Lihua Pan
Date of Birth:1981-12-28
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:南京大学
Paper Publications
Lihua Pan,朱晓杰,朱庆利,刘拥军,安晋.Dynamics of a vortex ring encountering a spherical obstacle in Bose-Einstein condensates.PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2022,105(3)
Lihua Pan,朱晓杰,朱庆利,刘拥军,安晋.Dynamics of a vortex ring encountering a spherical obstacle in Bose-Einstein condensates.PHYSICAL REVIEW A,2022,105(3)
Lihua Pan,吴遒,朱庆利,刘拥军.Density structures and giant vortex in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates with the harmonic-plus-radial potential.PHYSICS LETTERS A,2020,384(22)
Lihua Pan,张德鹏,Hung,Hsia,刘拥军.Phase diagram of the frustrated asymmetric ferromagnetic spin ladder.EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B,2017,90(6)
Lihua Pan,曹宇,席斌,刘拥军.Phase diagram of the easy-plane ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic S=1 Heisenberg chain.PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER,2017,523125-131.
Lihua Pan,安晋,刘拥军,龚昌德.Zigzag graphene nanoribbons without inversion symmetry.PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume,2011,Volume-.
Lihua Pan,浅析大学物理教学现状和改革措施.考试周刊,2012,4640-41.
Lihua Pan,混合梳子模型中反铁磁阻挫引起的量子相变.扬大学报,2012,1530-44.
Lihua Pan,Quantum phase transition caused by the frustration and anisotropic effect in the S=1 ferromagnetic model.扬大学报,2012,1529-33.
Lihua Pan,安晋,刘拥军.Noncollinear magnetism and half-metallicity in biased bilayer zigzag graphene nanoribbons.NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS,2013,1510.1088/13-2630/15/4/.