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- 齐晓花,李良俊,徐强,陈学好,陈国华,侯顺超,季正捷,贾宝华.干燥方式对水芹多酚组分及抗氧化能力的影响.扬州大学学报:农业与生命科学版,2020,41(6)90-95.
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- 齐晓花,Takahashi,kawasaki,ohta,Isozaki,Kojima,Yumiko,陈学好.Differences in xylem development between Dutch and Japanese tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) correlate with cytokinin levels in hypocotyls.ANNALS OF BOTANY,2020,126(2)315-322.
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- 齐晓花,李倩倩,沈家涛,千春录,许学文,徐强,陈学好.Sugar enhances waterlogging-induced adventitious root formation in cucumber by promoting auxin transport and signalling.PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT,2020,43(6)1545-1557.
- 齐晓花,陈敏炀,梁郸娜,徐强,周福才,陈学好.Jasmonic acid, ethylene and ROS are involved in the response of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) to aphid infestation.SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE,2020,269
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