宋晓丽   副高级

联系方式:电话:15952794169传真:0514-87975244电子信箱:xlsong@yzu.edu.cn地址:扬州市四望亭路180号,扬州大学化学化工学院理科楼214 教育和工作经历:2001年9月-2005年6月 山东师范大学 学士学位2005年9月-2010年7月 南京大学博士学位2010年7月-至今 扬州大学化学化工学院 研究领域:综合高分子、无机材料优异的物理化学性能,开发无机/有机复合纳米材料是新型材料发展的主要趋势,也是现代生产生活发展的需要。课题组...Detials

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20019-20056  山东师范大学 学士学位

20059-20107  南京大学博士学位

20107-至今  扬州大学化学化工学院



1) 生物相容-可降解高分子材料及药物缓释研究

4) 环境友好、环境净化材料研究


  1) 江苏省科学技术奖三等奖2022

  2) 扬州市自然科学优秀学术论文2022

  3) 第七届全国大学生生物医学工程创新设计竞赛 优秀指导老师2022

4) 扬州大学中青年讲课比赛一等奖 2013年)

5) 扬州大学微课比赛二等奖 2015年)



1) 国家自然科学基金1                     

2) 江苏省自然科学基金1

3) 横向项目8   

4) 扬州大学教改项目2  




[1] Xiaoli Song*, Jiamin Wu, Weimin Song, Lu Chen, Shuwei Zhang, Hangyu Ji, Junliang Liu, Jun Gu, Thiolated chitosan nanoparticles for stable delivery and smart release of As2O3 for liver cancer through dual actions, Carbohydrate Polymers 303 (2023)120462. (一区)

[2]Xiaoli Song*, Shangkui Yu, Tong Zhu, Yu Wang, Junliang Liu, Shuwei Zhang, Surface        modifying MIL-125(Ti) by devisable poly(amino) conjugate molecule to significantly enhance       its visible light photo-degradation properties, Applied Surface Science 614 (2023) 156216.(一区)

[3]Xiaoli Song*, Tong Zhu, Shangkui Yu, Junlong Wang, Junliang Liu, Shuwei Zhang, A novel        nitrogenous core-shell MIL-101(Fe)-based nanocomposite for enhanced adsorption and photo-       degradation of organic pollutant under visible light, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 938        (2023) 168479. (二区)

[4] Xiaoli Song*, Jialing He, Yu Wang, Junlong Wang, Shuwei Zhang, A novel MIL-125(Ti)-based nanocomposite for enhanced adsorption and catalytic degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride: Synergetic mechanism of calcination and the nitrogen-containing reticulated surface layer, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 645 (2023) 918-932. (一区)

[5] Xiaoli Song *, Lijuan Nong , Qingqing Zhang , Junliang Liu, Shuwei Zhang,  Highly effective adsorption for both As(III) and As(V) in aqueous medium via magnetic chitosan-based composite microparticles: Low arsenic concentration, high column efficiency and adaptability, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 11 (2023) 110874. (二区)

[6]Tong Zhu, Yun Zhang, Yu Chen, Jun Liang Liu, Xiaoli Song*, Synthesis of novel hydrated ferric oxide biochar nanohybrids for efficient arsenic removal from wastewater, Rare Metals 41(2022) 1677-1687. (一区)

[7]Xiaoli Song*, Mengran Li, Xiaojun Feng, Junliang Liu, Hangyu Ji, Jun Gu, Thermosensitive        hydrogel-mediated sphere/fiber multi-dimensional composite nanotube with controlled release of NGF for improved spinal cord injury repair, European Polymer Journal 181 (2022) 111673. (二区)

[8]Xiaoli Song*, Yue Xu, Jiamin Wu, Hongxia Shao, Jiefeng Gao, Xiaojun Feng, Jun Gu, A        structured drug delivery composite membrane for improved recovery after spinal cord injury under longtime controlled release, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 199 (2021) 111529. (二区)

[9]Xiaoli Song*, Yu Wang, Tong Zhu, Junliang Liu, Shuwei Zhang, Facile synthesis a novel        core–shell amino functionalized MIL-125(Ti) micro-photocatalyst for enhanced degradation        of tetracycline hydrochloride under visible light, Chemical Engineering Journal 416       (2021) 129126. (一区)

[10]Xiaoli Song*, Yu Wang, Lei Zhou, Xiadan Luo, Junliang Liu, Halloysite nanotubes stabilized polyurethane foam carbon coupled with iron oxide for high-efficient and fast treatment of arsenic(III/V) wastewater, Chemical Engineering Research and Design 165 (2021) 298-307. (二区)

[11]Xiaoli Song*, Lei Zhou, Yun Zhang, Pei Chen, Zhenglong Yang, A novel cactus-like Fe3O4/Halloysite nanocomposite for arsenite and arsenate removal from water. Journal of Cleaner Production 24 (2019) 573-582.(一区)

[12]Xiaoli Song*, Juan Wang, Yue Xu, Hongxia Shao, Jun Gu*, Surface-modified PLGA nanoparticles with PEG/LA-Chitosan for targeted delivery of arsenic trioxide for liver cancer treatment: Inhibition effects enhanced and Side effects reduced. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 180 (2019) 110-117. (二区)

[13]Xiaoli Song*, Yun Zhang , Xiadan Luo , Pei Chena, Junliang Liu, 2D magnetic scallion sheathing-based biochar composites design and application for effective removal of arsenite in aqueous solutions. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 152 (2019) 384-392. (二区)

[14]Xiaoli Song*,  Pei Chen, Xiadan Luo, Yun Zhang, Junliang, Liu, A novel laminated Fe3O4/CaO2 composite for ultratrace arsenite oxidation and adsorption in aqueous solutions. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103427. (二区)


[1] 负载针形四氧化三铁纳米复合材料的制备方法

[2] 活性因子PLA/PLGA/CS复合膜及其制备方法

[3] 种类珊瑚状生物炭/水合氧化铁复合除砷剂的制备方法

[4] 一种多氮共轭有机分子修饰MIL-125 (Ti)制备核壳光催化剂的方法

[5]     肿瘤微环境响应性智能壳聚糖载砷纳米颗粒及其制备方法