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Paper Publications
Tan Changwei,张鹏鹏,周欣兴,汪志祥,许自强,霍中洋,云菲,郭文善.Quantitative monitoring of leaf area index in wheat of different plant types by integrating NDVI and Beer-Lambert law.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2020,10(1)
Tan Changwei,周欣兴,张鹏鹏,汪志祥,王敦亮,郭文善,云菲.Predicting grain protein content of field-grown winter wheat with satellite images and partial least square algorithm.PLOS ONE,2020,15(3)
Tan Changwei,张鹏鹏,张永江,周欣兴,汪志祥,杜颖,郭文善,毛伟.Rapid Recognition of Field-Grown Wheat Spikes Based on a Superpixel Segmentation Algorithm Using Digital Images.FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2020,11
Tan Changwei,Jin,Xiuli,Wang,Junc,童露,朱新开,郭文善.Monitoring leaf nitrogen concentration in wheat based on spectral parameters from HJ-CCD data with stepwise regression method.Advanced Materials Research,2012,468-4711521-1526.
Tan Changwei,Huang Wen-,Jin Xiu-li,Wang Jun-c,童露,Wang Ji-hu,郭文善.Monitoring the Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameter F-v/F-m in Compact Corn Based on Different Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices.SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 卷,2012,1287-1291.
Tan Changwei,Using hyperspectral vegetation indices to estimate the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by corn canopies.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING,2013,34(24)8789-8802.
Tan Changwei,王纪华,朱新开,王妍,王君婵,童璐,郭文善.基于Landsat TM影像的冬小麦拔节期主要长势参数遥感监测.中国农业科学,2011,44(7)1358-1366.
Tan Changwei,王君婵,郭文善,王纪华,黄文江.Predicting grain starch content of winter wheat through remote sensing method based on HJ-1A/1B images.2011 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce, AIMSEC 2011 - Proceedings,2011,6303-6306.
Tan Changwei,郭文善,王纪华.Predicting grain protein content of winter wheat based on landsat TM images and leaf nitrogen content.2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE 2011 - Proceedings,2011,5165-5168.
Tan Changwei,王君婵,郭文善,王纪华,黄文江.Predicting wet gluten content of winter wheat through remote sensing method based on HJ-1A/1B images.2011 International Conference on Multimedia Technology, ICMT 2011,2011,3603-3606.
Tan Changwei,童璐,郭文善,王纪华,黄文江.Prediction of sedimentation value in winter wheat using remote sensing variables obtained from HJ-CCD images.2011 International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2011 - Proceedings,2011,4018-4021.
Tan Changwei,张鹏鹏,周欣兴,汪志祥,许自强,霍中洋,云菲,郭文善.Quantitative monitoring of leaf area index in wheat of different plant types by integrating NDVI and Beer-Lambert law.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2020,10(1)
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