性别: 男
在职信息: 在岗
所在单位: 商学院
职务: 教师
- 田毅,“互联网+”背景下学生自主学习问题浅析.环球市场,2019,
- 田毅,互联网时代人力资源管理慕课教学新模式初探.卷宗,2019,
- 田毅,西方企业人力资源管理融合趋势对江苏企业的启示.《网络财富》,2009,
- 田毅,法学诊所式教学对工商管理案例教学的启示.《时代经贸》,2009,
- 田毅,新经济时代企业薪酬结构构建研究.《金山》,2010,
- 田毅,Experience and Reference of Customer Return Policy
in Foreign Online Shopping.《ICEE2011年会论文集》,2011,
- 田毅,Analysis of the Dilemma that Enterprises Intend to
Circumvent the Non-fixed Term Labour Contract System.ICASS 2012,2012,
- 田毅,Analysis on China's Enterprise Income
Distribution between the Employee and the Employer.Information,Communication and Education Applicati,2013,
- 田毅,Analysis of the Labor-capital Relations
Construction in Profit Sharing Perspective.Social Science and Education,2013,
- 田毅,参与式教学在商科教学改革中的实践探索.《环球市场》,2018,