Alma Mater:华东师范大学
Paper Publications
WQL,韩馥檑,段瑞瑞,魏文婷.The impact of moderate-intensity basketball intervention on the physical self-esteem and school adjustment of first-year high school students.PeerJ,2024,
WQL,肖薇,罗欣,汪玲,高杰峰.Flexible and hydrophobic nanofiber composites with self-enhanced interfacial adhesion for high performance strain sensing and body motion detection.COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2023,657
Analysis of Physical Education Classroom Teaching after Implementation of the Chinese Health Physical Education Curriculum Model: A Video-Based Assessment.BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES,2023,13(3):
The impact of core self-evaluation on school adaptation of high school students after their return to school during the COVID-19 pandemic: the parallel mediation of positive and negative coping styles.PeerJ,2023,11
WQL,韩馥檑,段瑞瑞,黄蓓蓓.Psychological resilience and cognitive reappraisal mediate the effects of coping style on the mental health of children.Frontiers in Psychology,2023,
WQL,万炳辉,黄欢欢,王威.The Mediating Roles of Psychological Resilience and Frustration Tolerance in the Relationship between Coping Styles and Mood States of High-Level Basketball Referees.Frontiers in Psychology,2023,
WQL,高杰峰.Flexible and hydrophobic nanofiber composites with self-enhanced interfacial adhesion for high performance strain sensing and body motion detection.Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2023,
WQL,黄学武,韩馥檑,吴吟秋,汪玲,戴华,高杰峰,宋平安.Superhydrophobic, biocompatible and durable nanofiber composite with an asymmetric structure for anisotropic strain sensing and body motion detection.CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2022,450
WQL,肖薇,罗欣,高杰峰.Flexible and hydrophobic nanofiber composites with self-enhanced interfacial adhesion for high performance strain sensing and body motion detection.COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2023,657
WQL,黄学武,韩馥檑,吴吟秋,戴华,高杰峰,宋平安.Superhydrophobic, biocompatible and durable nanofiber composite with an asymmetric structure for anisotropic strain sensing and body motion detection.CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2022,450