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- 王秋林,肖薇,罗欣,汪玲,高杰峰.Flexible and hydrophobic nanofiber composites with self-enhanced interfacial adhesion for high performance strain sensing and body motion detection.COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2023,657
- Analysis of Physical Education Classroom Teaching after Implementation of the Chinese Health Physical Education Curriculum Model: A Video-Based Assessment.BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES,2023,13(3):
- The impact of core self-evaluation on school adaptation of high school students after their return to school during the COVID-19 pandemic: the parallel mediation of positive and negative coping styles.PeerJ,2023,11
- 王秋林,韩馥檑,段瑞瑞,黄蓓蓓.Psychological resilience and cognitive reappraisal mediate the effects of coping style on the mental health of children.Frontiers in Psychology,2023,
- 王秋林,万炳辉,黄欢欢,王威.The Mediating Roles of Psychological Resilience and Frustration Tolerance in the Relationship between Coping Styles and Mood States of High-Level Basketball Referees.Frontiers in Psychology,2023,
- 王秋林,高杰峰.Flexible and hydrophobic nanofiber composites with self-enhanced interfacial adhesion for high performance strain sensing and body motion detection.Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects,2023,
- 王秋林,黄学武,韩馥檑,吴吟秋,汪玲,戴华,高杰峰,宋平安.Superhydrophobic, biocompatible and durable nanofiber composite with an asymmetric structure for anisotropic strain sensing and body motion detection.CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2022,450
- 王秋林,肖薇,罗欣,高杰峰.Flexible and hydrophobic nanofiber composites with self-enhanced interfacial adhesion for high performance strain sensing and body motion detection.COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS,2023,657
- 王秋林,黄学武,韩馥檑,吴吟秋,戴华,高杰峰,宋平安.Superhydrophobic, biocompatible and durable nanofiber composite with an asymmetric structure for anisotropic strain sensing and body motion detection.CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2022,450
- 王秋林,Application Effect of Motion Capture Technology in Basketball Resistance Training and Shooting Hit Rate in Immersive Virtual Reality Environment.Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience,2022,
- 王秋林,Positive and negative mood states mediated the effects of psychological resilience on emotional stability among high school students during the COVID-19 pandemic.Frontiers in Psychology,2022,
- 王秋林,体育教育专业中篮球专项学生学习能力的调查研究.体育视野,2020,
- 王秋林,我国篮球高水平裁判员自我控制与情绪稳定性的关系:心境状态 与心理弹性的链式中介作用.体育与科学,2021,
- 我国篮球高水平裁判员自我控制与情绪稳定性的关系:心境状态 与心理弹性的链式中介作用.[北大核心;CSSCI].江苏南京:体育与科学,2021,42(06):86-95.
- 陈祥和,彭海霞,王秋林,杨康,余慧琳.跳跃运动对小学生身高和骨密度的影响.体育科技文献通报,2019,第27卷第7期16-17.