
  • 教师姓名:王硕

  • 教师英文名称:Shuo Wang

  • 教师拼音名称:Wang Shuo

  • 出生日期:1990-07-19

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  • 入职时间:2020-04-08

  • 所在单位:食品科学与工程学院

  • 职务:食品科学与工程学院科研办公室副主任

  • 学历:博士研究生毕业

  • 办公地点:笃行楼S521

  • 性别:男

  • 学位:博士学位

  • 职称:中级

  • 在职信息:在岗

  • 毕业院校:日本秋田县立大学

  • 硕士生导师

  • 所属院系: 食品科学与工程学院


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Time Model for Carbonyl Value as a Function of Total Polar Compounds in Oil during Frying

发布时间:2021-07-27  点击次数:


关键字:carbonyl value, deep frying, edible oil, prediction model, total polar compounds

摘要:Changes in total polar compounds (TPC) in 10 edible oils and their relationship with changes in carbonyl value (CV) were determined during intermittent frying at 180 °C. The study aimed to establish a model for the real-time determination of the carbonyl value based on changes in total polar compounds in frying oil. The results showed that the total polar compounds in the 10 oils increased linearly with heating time and that linoleic acid-rich oils increased faster compared with oleic acid-rich and linolenic acid-rich oils. The effect of unsaturated fatty acids (primarily linoleic acid) on the increase in total polar compounds was more significant than for tocopherols (primarily γ-tocopherol) as determined by multiple linear regression analysis. Increases in the total polar compounds and carbonyl value during frying also showed a linear relationship (ΔTPCt=A ΔCVt), where A is the proportionality coefficient related to the initial composition ratio of oil (the ratio of the sum of linoleic acid and γ-tocopherol to the sum of oleic acid and linolenic acid—that is, (C18:2 + γ)/(C18:1 + C18:3)). A prediction model (CVt=TPCt−TPC00.057(C18:2+γC18:1+C18:3)+0.413+CV0) was established based on the above conclusion. In accordance with the initial composition ratio of unsaturated fatty acid and tocopherol and the real-time total polar compounds, the carbonyl value of frying oil was rapidly determined by the model.


第一作者:Xiaofang Liu

通讯作者:Han Zhang





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