Philip Wang
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:苏州大学
Scientific Research
Research Field
I'm currently engaged in multimodal studies, including the following topics: 1) the interface between multimodal discourse and cognitive linguistics, covering multimodal metaphor, embodied view of multimodal discourses, etc.; 2) the interface between CDA and MDA; 3) Mutimodal literacy and Second language teaching from the perspective of multimodality.
Paper Publications
- Philip Wang,A Semitotic analysis on the Narrative Strategy of Repetition in News Cartoon.Journal of Suzhou University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition),2022,
- National Media Image from Multimodal Perspective: concepts and Properties.[N].Chinese Social Sciences Today,2021,(总第 2083 期):
- Form, encoding and representation: on embodied representation of multimodal metaphor.[北大核心;CSSCI].Journal of Northwest Minzu University,2019,
- On the Representation Forms of Dynamic Multimodal Metaphors in Advertising: Properties of Modal Usage and Motivations.[北大核心;CSSCI].Foreign Language Research,Foreign Language Research,2018,
- An Embodied view of physical signs in news cartoons.[journal article].Language and Semiotic Studies,2017,
- No content
Published Books
- No content
Research Projects
- 数智化背景下对外应急话语的舆情导控能力提升机制研究,王小平,
- 江苏省社科基金一般项目“数智化背景下对外应急话语的舆情导控能力提升机制研究”,在研,江苏省社会科学规划办公室,
- 江苏省高校人文社科一般项目“再语境化视域下新型主流媒体话语的跨媒介传播机制研究”,在研,江苏省教育厅,
- Zhejiang Provincial Project on Philosophy and Social Sciences “Research on mixed metaphors from the cognitive semantics",结题,浙江省哲学社会科学规划办公室,
- Zhejiang Provincial Project on Social Sciences and Humanities“Comparative Research on metaphorical discourses in English-Chinese news discourse,结项,浙江省哲学社会科学规划办,