Yunxia Wang
Date of Birth:1974-02-07
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:德国汉诺威大学
Paper Publications
Yunxia Wang,杨连新.水稻品质对主要气候变化因子的响应.农业环境科学学报,2020,39(4)822-833.
Yunxia Wang,宋琪玲,Michael Fr,邵在胜,Yang Lianxin.Effects of elevated ozone, carbon dioxide, and the combination of both on the grain quality of Chinese hybrid rice.ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2014,1899-17.
Yunxia Wang,Yang Lianxin,Meike H?ll,邵在胜,Juan Paria,Matthias W,Michael Fr.Pyramiding of ozone tolerance QTLs OzT8 and OzT9 confers improved tolerance to season-long ozone exposure in rice.ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY,2014,10426-33.
Yunxia Wang,Specht A,Horst W.Stable isotope labelling and zinc distribution in grains studied by laser ablation ICP-MS in an ear culture system reveals zinc transport barriers during grain filling in wheat.NEW PHYTOLOGIST Volume,2011,428-437.
Yunxia Wang,Yang Lianxin,韩研,朱建国,Kobayashi,唐昊冶,王余龙.The impact of elevated tropospheric ozone on grain quality of hybrid rice: A free-air gas concentration enrichment (FACE) experiment.FIELD CROPS RESEARCH 卷,2012,81-89.
Yunxia Wang,Yang Lianxin,Kobayashi,朱建国,Chen CP,杨开放,唐昊冶,王余龙.Investigations on spikelet formation in hybrid rice as affected by elevated tropospheric ozone concentration in China.AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT 卷,2012,63-71.
Yunxia Wang,Yang Lianxin.从高校、导师和学生视角谈如何面对研究生国家奖学金.教育教学论坛,2014,5080-81.
Yunxia Wang,Yang Lianxin.水稻品质对主要气候变化因子的响应.农业环境科学学报,2020,39(4)822-833.
Yunxia Wang,Frei,M.Stressed food - The impact of abiotic environmental stresses on crop quality.AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT Volume,2011,3-4.
Yunxia Wang,Wissuwa,M.Biochemical factors conferring shoot tolerance to oxidative stress in rice grown in low zinc soil.FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY,2010,37(1)74-84.