王志跃,杨海明,卢建,李文增,邹剑敏.Influence of whole hulled rice and rice husk feeding on the performance, carcass yield and digestive tract development of geese.ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2014,19499-105.
王志跃,施寿荣,杨海明,盛东峰,卢建,李文增.Effects of fasting and excreta collection period on the apparent and true metabolizable energy of corn and dehydrated alfalfa meal in ganders.ARCHIV FUR GEFLUGELKUNDE,2010,74(2)102-108.
王志跃,施寿荣,周秋燕,杨海明,邹剑敏,张康宁,韩厚明.Response of growing goslings to dietary methionine from 28 to 70 days of age.BRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE,2010,51(1)118-121.