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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Main positions:PhD Professor

Academic Honor:

2012  elected:  Top talent


Professor and doctoral supervisor at the College of Liberal Arts, Yangzhou University.

In 2004,  obtained a Master's degree in Literature from Northeast Normal University, and in 2007, obtained a PhD in Literature from East China Normal University; Worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Chinese Language and Literature Postdoctoral Station of Fudan University from 2009 to 2011; In 2013, became a visiting scholar at the Philosophy and Cultural Studies Centre of The Chinese University of Hong Kong appointed by the Jiangsu Provincial Government; In 2018, became a visiting scholar at the Institute of Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Have conducted academic exchanges in multiple countries including Egypt, Germany, Switzerland, France, Thailand, and the Philippines.

Currently, specially appointed a think-tank expert at the Laozi Research Institute in Luyi, Henan Province, a part-time researcher at the Pre Qin Zhuzi Research Center of East China Normal University, a part-time editor at the Zhuzi Study Journal, a Leading figure of the "New Century Talents" discipline at Yangzhou University, a director of the Chinese Book of Songs Reserch Association, a director of the Chinese Qu Yuan and ChuCi Reserch Association, a member of the International Shangshu Reserch Association, a member of the Chinese Yuefu Reserch Association, and a member of the International Federation of Theatre Research(IFTR). Have conducted academic exchanges in multiple countries including Egypt, Germany, Switzerland, France, Thailand, and the Philippines.

Main research focuses on the pre Qin and Han Chinese literature, the dissemination of Taoist literature and culture, and a comparison between Zhuangzi and Emerson's essays. Have published over 80 academic papers and led 3 projects funded by the National Social Science Fund:

  1. "Research on the Identification and Literary Interpretation of Names and Objects in Zhuangzi"(08ZCW021) (excellent completion);

  2. "Research on the Elements of Image Composition in the Literary Language of Zhuangzi"(16BZW044) (excellent completion);

  3. "Research on the Commonality between Zhuangzi and Emerson's essays" (23BZW041) (under study). 

Have also published 2 academic monographs: 

  1. "Research on Zhuangzi Structural Art" (Xueyuan Publishing House, 2003);

  2. "Research on the Names and Objects in Zhuangzi" (People's Publishing House, 2016).

Educational ExperienceMore>>

2019.1 2020.1

  • 中国社会科学院
  • 中国古代文学
  • 文学所访问学者

2014.1 2015.1

  • 香港中文大学
  • 中国古代哲学
  • 入选“江苏省高校优秀中青年教师及校长境外研修计划”,到香港中文大学哲学与文化研究中心访学一年。

2009.1 2011.6

  • 复旦大学
  • 中国古代文学
  • Doctoral degree
  • Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
  • 在复旦大学中国语言文学博士后流动站研修。

Work ExperienceMore>>

2018.1 Now
  • 扬州大学
  • 文学院
  • 教授
  • 古代文学专业教师,古代文学专业硕士生、博士生导师。
2007.7 2017.12
  • 扬州大学
  • 新闻与传媒学院
  • 讲师,副教授,教授
  • 广播电视专业教师,影视与戏剧专业硕士导师
2000.9 2001.9
  • 长春工程学院
  • 基础部
  • 讲师
  • 大学语文教师

Social AffiliationsMore>>

2019.9 Now

  • 中国屈原暨楚辞学会理事。

2020.10 Now

  • 中国诗经学会理事。

2010.12 Now

  • 华东师范大学先秦诸子研究中心《诸子学刊》兼职编辑。

Research Group

Name of Research Group:先秦文学研究
Description of Research Group:以教研室为单位,研究古代文学教学与学术。