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教师拼音名称:Ye Miao
- 叶苗,张祖建.农业强国建设中的新型农业人才培养.时代教育,2024,2418-23.
- 叶苗,毛雨欣,张德海,康钰莹,袁榕,张祖建.高光效水稻品种的叶片和冠层生理生态特征及其氮素调控机制研究进展.中国水稻科学,2024,38(6)617-626.
- 叶苗,王泽宇,吴猛,李皇渊,顾骏飞,杨建昌,张祖建.Optimized leaf anatomy improves photosynthetic producing capacity of mid-season indica rice in the Yangtze River Basin during the genetic improvement.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY,2024,158
- 叶苗,张正灿,黄冠军,张祖建.Nitrogen Fertilization Weakly Influences the Anatomy and Chemical Composition of Rice Leaves.AGRICULTURE-BASEL,2022,12(2)
- 叶苗,张正灿,黄冠军,李勇.Leaf Photosynthesis and Its Temperature Response Are Different between Growth Stages and N Supplies in Rice Plants.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2022,23(7)
- 叶苗,吴猛,张雨,王泽宇,张耗,张祖建.Physiological Factors Limiting Leaf Net Photosynthetic Rate in C-3 Crops like Rice and Approaches for Improving It.AGRONOMY-BASEL,2022,12(8)
- Intraspecific variation in photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency is positively related to photosynthetic rate in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants.Photosynthetica,2019,
- 叶苗,张正灿,黄冠军,李勇.Leaf Photosynthesis and Its Temperature Response Are Different between Growth Stages and N Supplies in Rice Plants.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2022,23(7)
- 叶苗,张正灿,黄冠军.Nitrogen Fertilization Weakly Influences the Anatomy and Chemical Composition of Rice Leaves.AGRICULTURE-BASEL,2022,12(2)
- 叶苗,吴猛,张雨,王泽宇,张耗.Physiological Factors Limiting Leaf Net Photosynthetic Rate in C-3 Crops like Rice and Approaches for Improving It.AGRONOMY-BASEL,2022,12(8)
- 叶苗,吴猛,张耗,张作林,张祖建.High Leaf Vein Density Promotes Leaf Gas Exchange by Enhancing Leaf Hydraulic Conductance in Oryza sativa L. Plants.FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2021,12
- 叶苗,吴猛,张耗,张作林,张祖建.High Leaf Vein Density Promotes Leaf Gas Exchange by Enhancing Leaf Hydraulic Conductance in Oryza sativa L. Plants.FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2021,12