Zhang Aiping
Date of Birth:1987-04-01
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:中国科学院大学
Paper Publications
Zhang Aiping,马逸姣,陈攻,谢莹莹.基于扎根理论的农业文化遗产地旅游可持续生计探讨.四川旅游学院学报,2023,
Zhang Aiping,王晨红,胡美娟.长三角地区旅游产业生态系统韧性的时空格局及障碍因子.地域研究与开发,2023,
Zhang Aiping,马逸姣,侯兵,王晨红.农业文化遗产地农户区位对生计旅游转型的影响——兼论区位条件的生计资本意义.旅游学刊,2023,
Zhang Aiping,王晨红,马逸姣.乡村旅游地游客食物浪费行为的影响机制——基于TPB拓展模型的实证研究.美食研究,2023,
Zhang Aiping,马逸姣,胡美娟,王晨红.Spatio-Temporal Coordination Analysis of Urban Welfare and Tourism Development in the Yangtze River Delta Region.Systems,2022,
Identifying and mapping wetland-based ecotourism areas in the first meander of the yellow river: incorporating tourist preference.Journal of Resources and Ecology,
Tourists’ Perception of Haze Pollution and the Potential Impacts on Travel: Reshaping the Features of Tourism Seasonality in Beijing, China.Sustainability,