Date of Birth:1968-10-15
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华东师范大学
Paper Publications
ZER,蔚清玲,翟文静,王锋,Keith Scot.High tolerance of and removal of cefazolin sodium in single-chamber microbial fuel cells operation.BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2018,24976-81.
ZER,王锋,尉清玲,吉斯,王旭,刁国旺.Durability and regeneration of activated carbon air-cathodes in long-term operated microbial fuel cells.JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES,2017,36021-27.
ZER,王锋,翟文静,吉斯,王旭,刁国旺.Efficient removal of nitrobenzene and concomitant electricity production by single-chamber microbial fuel cells with activated carbon air-cathode.BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2017,229111-118.
ZER,Riboflavin-shuttled extracellular electron transfer from Enterococcus faecalis to electrodes in microbial fuel cells.CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY,2014,60(11)753-759.
ZER,翟文静,罗月,Keith Scot,王旭,刁国旺.Acclimatization of microbial consortia to alkaline conditions and enhanced electricity generation.BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY,2016,211736-742.
ZER,季强,刘雷.Electricity production in microbial fuel cells using brush bio-anode and bio-cathode made of PAN-based carbon fibers.Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,217 - 219956-960.
ZER,张永才.Enhancing current of microbial fuel cell by modifying ionic liquid-doped.Advanced Materials Research,2012,396-3981794-1798.
ZER,季强,刘雷.Electricity production in microbial fuel cells using brush bio-anode and bio-cathode made of PAN-based carbon fibers.Applied Mechanics and Materials,2012,217-219956-960.
ZER,刘雷,张永才.Electrochemical oxidization of PAN-based carbon fibers for enhancing performance of microbial fuel cells.Proceedings - 2012 7th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, SoSE 2012,2012,74-76.