Kun Zhang   副高级

张坤,男,中共党员,博士研究生,副教授,硕士研究生导师,获江苏省自然科学基金优秀青年基金资助,入选江苏省科协青年人才“托举工程”,扬州市“绿扬金凤”优秀博士、扬州大学校园“科技先锋”(教师组)、扬州大学校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人、扬州大学“最受学生欢迎的班主任”荣誉称号,是中国植物病理学会会员、江苏省植物病理学会会员,担任《Scientific Reports》(IF 4.6 中科院二区) 的期刊编委。受邀请担任《Front...Detials

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张坤,男,中共党员,博士研究生,副教授,硕士研究生导师,获江苏省自然科学基金优秀青年基金资助,入选江苏省科协青年人才托举工程,扬州市绿扬金凤优秀博士、扬州大学校园“科技先锋”(教师组)、扬州大学校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人、扬州大学“最受学生欢迎的班主任”荣誉称号,是中国植物病理学会会员、江苏省植物病理学会会员,担任《Scientific Reports(IF 4.6 中科院二区的期刊编委。受邀请担任《Frontiers in Plant Science(IF 6.627 中科院植物科学二区Top) Agronomy(IF 3.7 中科院二区的客座编辑, 受邀担任《iMeta》、《Agriculture Communication青年编委。于2011年于黑龙江八一农垦大学生命科学技术学院 (生物技术,理学学士,2011) 本科毕业,后在中国农业大学生物学院进行硕博连读 (微生物学,理学博士,2017),于201707月毕业后入职扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院工作。20239月至20248月受国家留学基金委 (CSC) 资助,作为访问学者前往加拿大进修一年。

目前主要从事分子植物病毒学研究工作,重点关注水稻条纹病毒 (Rice stripe virus, RSV) 和水稻黑条矮缩病毒 (Rice black-streaked dwarf virus, RBSDV) 编码蛋白的生物学功能、水稻应对病毒侵染的防御及病毒的反防御机制等方面的基础研究,同时也承担了植物病毒的分子检测、植物病害绿色高效防控、植物源抗生物质筛选鉴定等应用研究。在《Genome Biology》、《Molecular Plant》、《PLoS Pathogens》、《New Phytologist》、《Plant Physiology》、《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》、《Cells》、《International Journal of Molecular Science》、《Frontiers in Microbiology》、《Molecular Plant Pathology》、《Journal of Biotechnology》、《Plant Disease》、《Crop Protection》、《Virus Research》、《Phytopathology》、《植物保护学报》、《植物保护》、《植物病理学报》 等国内外期刊上发表论文40多篇。自入职以来,以扬州大学为第一通讯单位,以第一作者或者通讯作者发表论文35篇。以第一发明人申请并公开国家发明专利8项,获得授权5项;以第一作者在《新课程研究》发表教改论文1篇;主持研究国家自然科学基金面上及青年项目 (3237248631801699)、江苏省自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目与青年项目(BK20220116, BK20180904)、江苏省农业科技自主创新资金(CX[24]3012)江苏省高校自然科学基金面上项目 (18KJB210012)、扬州市现代农业重点研发项目(YZ2021032)、广东省植物保护重点实验室开放课题 (Zhizhong2021-07)、省部级及市厅级人才项目、多项横向委托项目等。受邀担任国内外植物病理学专业多种中英文期刊,例如《Genome Biology》、《PLoS Pathogens》、《Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions Journal》、《Molecular Plant Pathology》、《Plant Disease》、《植物病理学报》、《植物保护》等的审稿人。担任教育部学位论文匿名评审专家、国家自然科学基金同行函评专家。指导的19级研究生庄新建同学、22级研究生冯陈尉同学获得国家奖学金,随后庄新建同学成功推荐至南京师范大学攻读博士学位。


[1] Kun Zhang, Xinjian Zhuang, Zhuozhuo Dong, Kai Xu, Xijun Chen, Fang Liu*, Zhen He*. (2021) The dynamics of N6-methyladenine RNA modification in interactions between rice and plant viruses, Genome Biology, 22, 189. (IF 17.906, 一区Top).

[2] Kun Zhang, Tianxiao Gu, Xiaowei Xu, Haifeng Gan, Lang Qin, Chenwei Feng, Zhen He*. (2023) Sugarcane streak mosaic virus P1 protein inhibits unfolded protein response through direct suppression of bZIP60U splicing. PLoS Pathogens, 19(10): e1011738. (IF 6.7, 一区TOP).

[3] Kun Zhang+, Yongliang Zhang+, Meng Yang, Songyu Liu, Zhenggang Li, Xianbing Wang, Chenggui Han, Jialin Yu, Dawei Li*. (2017) The barley stripe mosaic virus γb RNA silencing suppressor protein promotes chloroplast-targeted replication by enhancing unwinding of RNA duplexes. PLoS Pathogens.13(4): e1006319. (IF 6.7, 一区Top).

[4] Xinjian Zhuang, Xiao Guo, Tianxiao Gu, Xiaowei Xu, Lang Qin, Kai Xu, Zhen He, Kun Zhang*. (2022) Phosphorylation of plant virus proteins: Analysis methods and biological functions. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13, 935735 (IF 6.066, 二区).

[5] Jiahuan Chen, Yuchen Zhou, Duxuan Liu, Xiaolan Lu, Haoyu Chen, Mengni Huang, Zhiqing Mao, Tao Zhang, Zhen He, Zhongmei Zou* & Kun Zhang*. (2024) Discovery and development of luvangetin from Zanthoxylum avicennae as a new fungicide candidate for Fusarium verticillioides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 72(15):8550-8568(IF 6.1, Top).



[1] Degao Ma, Haoyu Chen, Duxuan Liu, Chenwei Feng, Yanhong Hua, Tianxiao Gu, Xiao Guo, Yuchen Zhou, Houjun Wang, Guifeng Tong, Hua Li*, Kun Zhang*. (2024) Soil-derived cellulose-degrading bacteria: screening, identification, the optimization of fermentation conditions, and their whole genome sequencing, Frontiers in Microbiology, 15:1409697. (IF 4.001, 二区).

[2] Chenwei Feng, Yanhong Hua, Duxuan Liu, Haoyu Chen, Mingjie Wu, Jing Hua, Kun Zhang*. (2024) Establishment of a serology- and molecular-combined detection system for youcai mosaic virus and its application in various host plants, Agronomy, 14(9):1900. (IF 3.301, 二区).

[3] Kun Zhang, Laura Medina-Puche, Xiaofeng Zhang, Zhenggang Li, eds. (2024). Advances in molecular plant pathology, plant abiotic and biotic stress. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/978-2-8325-4712-0. (IF 6.623, 二区Top)

[4] Jiahuan Chen, Yuchen Zhou, Duxuan Liu, Xiaolan Lu, Haoyu Chen, Mengni Huang, Zhiqing Mao, Tao Zhang, Zhen He, Zhongmei Zou* & Kun Zhang*. (2024) Discovery and development of luvangetin from Zanthoxylum avicennae as a new fungicide candidate for Fusarium verticillioides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 72(15):8550-8568 (IF 6.1, 一区Top). 

[5] Tianxiao Gu, Chenwei Feng, Yanhong Hua, Duxuan Liu, Haoyu Chen, Zhen He, Kai Xu, Kun Zhang*. (2024) Molecular characterization and pathogenicity of an infectious cDNA clone of youcai mosaic virus on Solanum nigrumInternational Journal of Molecular Science, 2024, 25, 1620. (IF 5.6, 二区).

[6] Zhen He, Shuangyu Sheng, Lingqi Wang, Tingting Dong, Lang, Kun Zhang* and Liangjun Li*. (2024) Cucumber mosaic virus‑induced gene and microRNA silencing in water dropwort (Oenanthe javanica (Blume) DC). Plant Methods, (2024) 20:6. (共同通讯IF 5.1, 二区).

[7] Kun Zhang, Tianxiao Gu, Xiaowei Xu, Haifeng Gan, Lang Qin, Chenwei Feng, Zhen He*. (2023) Sugarcane streak mosaic virus P1 protein inhibits unfolded protein response through direct suppression of bZIP60U splicing. PLoS Pathogens, 19(10): e1011738. (IF 6.7, 一区TOP).

[8] Yanhong Hua, Chenwei Feng, Tianxiao Gu, Haoyu Chen, Duxuan Liu, Kai Xu, Kun Zhang*. (2023) Development of polyclonal antibodies and a serological-based reverse-transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (S-RT-LAMP) assay for rice black-streaked dwarf virus detection in both rice and small brown planthopper. Viruses, 15, 2127. (IF 4.7, 三区).

[9] Chenwei Feng+, Xiao Guo+Tianxiao Gu, Yanhong Hua, Xinjian Zhuang, Kun Zhang*. (2023) Generation of a triple-shuttling vector and the application in plant plus-strand RNA virus infectious cDNA clone construction. International Journal of Molecular Science. 24, 5477. (IF 5.6, 二区).

[10] Kun Zhang, Yanhong Hua, Chenwei Feng, Tianxiao Gu, Xiao Guo, Xinjian Zhuang, Kai Xu*. (2023) First report of cucumber mosaic virus satRNA in Salvia miltiorrhiza in China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 105(1): 365-366. (IF 2.2, 四区).

[11] Jiahuan Chen+, Chenwei Feng+Xiao Guo+, Yuchen Zhou, Tianxiao Gu, Xinjian Zhuang, Lei Cheng* and Kun Zhang*. (2022) Development of polyclonal antibodies-based serological methods for detection of the rehmannia mosaic virus in field plants. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 6:1013470. (IF 5.005, 二区).

[12] Jiahuan Chen, Yuchen Zhou, Gu Tianxiao, Xiao Guo, Xinjian Zhuang, Kun Zhang*. (2022) First report of broad bean wilt virus 2 on Mirabilis jalapa in China. Plant Disease, 107, 1957 (IF 4.6, 二区).

[13] Kun Zhang, Xiaowei Xu, Xiao Guo, Shiwen Ding, Tianxiao Gu, Lang Qin, Zhen He*. (2022) Sugarcane streak mosaic virus P1 attenuates plant antiviral immunity and enhances potato virus X infection in Nicotiana benthamianaCells. 11:2870 (IF 7.666, 二区).

[14] Xinjian Zhuang, Xiao Guo, Tianxiao Gu, Xiaowei Xu, Lang Qin, Kai Xu, Zhen He, Kun Zhang*. (2022) Phosphorylation of plant virus proteins: Analysis methods and biological functions. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13, 935735 (IF 6.066, 二区).

[15] Kun Zhang, Xinjian Zhuang, Hongmei Xu, Haifeng Gan, Zhen He, Jiahuan Chen*. (2022) Development of a polyclonal antibodies-based serological methods and a DIG-labelled DNA probe-based molecular method for detection of the Vicia cryptic virus-M in field plants, Journal of Virological Method. 299, 114331. (IF 3.1, 四区).

[16] Kun Zhang, Xinjian Zhuang, Zhuozhuo Dong, Kai Xu, Xijun Chen, Fang Liu*, Zhen He*. (2021) The dynamics of N6-methyladenine RNA modification in interactions between rice and plant viruses, Genome Biology, 22, 189. (IF 17.906, 一区Top).

[17] Kun Zhang, Xinjian Zhuang, Xiao Guo, Hongmei Xu, Zhen He, Jiahuan Chen*. (2021) Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus infecting Rehmannia glutinosa was detected in China. Plant Disease. 105: 3310. (IF 4.761, 二区).

[18] Kun Zhang, Xinjian Zhuang, Hongmei Xu, Xiao Guo, Zhen He, Kai Xu, Fang Liu*. (2021) Sensitive and high-throughput polyclonal antibody-based serological methods for rice stripe virus detection in rice plant and brown planthopper, Crop Protection, 144, 105599. (IF 3.6, 二区).

[19] Zhang Kun*, Hongmei Xu, Xinjian Zhuang, Ying Zang, Jiahuan Chen. (2020) First report of Vicia cryptic virus M infecting cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) in China. Plant Disease. 105(1):234. (IF 4.761, 一区).

[20] Kun Zhang, Hongmei Xu, Ying Zang, Jiahuan Chen, Xinjian Zhuang, Zhen He*. (2020) First report of milk vetch dwarf virus infecting faba bean in Jiangsu province in China. Journal of Plant Pathology. 102: 929-930. (IF 3.1, 四区).

[21] Kun Zhang+, Yongliang Zhang+, Meng Yang, Songyu Liu, Zhenggang Li, Xianbing Wang, Chenggui Han, Jialin Yu, Dawei Li*. (2017) The barley stripe mosaic virus γb RNA silencing suppressor protein promotes chloroplast-targeted replication by enhancing unwinding of RNA duplexes. PLoS Pathogens.13(4): e1006319. (IF 6.7, 一区Top).

[22] Kun Zhang+, Shaofang Niu+, Dianping Di, Lindan Shi, Deshui Liu, Xiulin Cao, Hongqin Miao, Xianbing Wang, Chenggui Han, Jialin Yu, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*. (2013). Selection of reference genes for gene expression studies in virus-infected monocots using quantitative real-time PCR. Journal of Biotechnology, 168, 7-14. (IF 3.8, 二区).

[23] Zhihao Jiang, Kun Zhang, Zhaolei Li, Zhenggang Li, Meng Yang, Xuejiao Jin, Qing Cao, Xueting Wang, Ning Yue, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*. (2020) The barley stripe mosaic virus γb protein promotes viral cell-to-cell movement by enhancing ATPase-mediated assembly of ribonucleoprotein movement complexes. PLoS Pathogens, 16(7): e1008709. (IF 6.7, 一区Top).

[24] Yao Li, Danyu Chen, Jia Hu, Kun Zhang, Lin Kang, Yan Chen, Lijun Huang, Lu Zhang, Yin Xiang, Qisheng Song, Fang Liu*. (2020) The α-tubulin of Laodelphax striatellus mediates the passage of rice stripe virus (RSV) and enhances horizontal transmission. PLoS Pathogens.16(8):e1008710. (IF 6.7, 一区Top).

[25] Xuan Zhang, Kai Dong, Kai Xu, Kun Zhang, Xuejiao Jin, Meng Yang, Yongliang Zhang, Xianbing Wang, Chenggui Han, Jialin Yu and Dawei Li* (2018) Barley stripe mosaic virus infection requires PKA-mediated phosphorylation of γb for suppression of both RNA silencing and the host cell death response. New Phytologist. 218(4):1570-1585. (IF 9.739, 一区Top).

[26] Xuejiao Jin, Zhihao Jiang, Kun Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Xuan Zhang, Xiuling Cao, Xueting Wang, Dawei Li, Byung-Ho Kang and Yongliang Zhang*. (2017) Three-dimensional analysis of chloroplast structures associated with virus infection. Plant Physiology, 176(1): 282-294. (IF 6.456, 一区Top).

[27] Meng Yang, Zhenggang Li, Kun Zhang, Xuan Zhang, Yongliang Zhang, Xianbing Wang, Chenggui Han, Jialin Yu, Dawei Li*. (2017) Barley stripe mosaic virus γb interacts with glycolate oxidase and inhibits peroxisomal ROS production to facilitate virus infection. Molecular Plant. 11(2): 338-341. (IF 9.326, 一区Top).

[28] Zhenggang Li, Yongliang Zhang, Xuejiao Jin, Zhihao Jiang, Kun Zhang, Xianbing Wang, Chenggui Han, Jialin Yu, Dawei Li*. (2017) Hijacking of the nucleolar protein fibrillarin by TGB1 is required for cell-to-cell movement of barley stripe mosaic virus. Molecular Plant Pathology. 19(5):1222-1237. (IF 4.697, 一区).

[29] Zhihao Jiang, Zhaolei Li, Ning Yue, Kun Zhang, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*. (2017) Construction of infectious clones of Lychnis ringspot virus and evaluation of its relationship with Barley stripe mosaic virus by reassortment of genomic RNA segments. Virus Research. 243:106-109. 

[30] Zhaolei Li, Zhihao Jiang, Xinxin Yang, Ning Yue, Xueting Wang, Kun Zhang, Andrew O. Jackson, Dawei Li, Yongliang Zhang*. (2019) Construction of an infectious Poa semilatent virus cDNA clone and comparisons of Hordeivirus cytopathology and pathogenicity. Phytopathology. 110(1):215-227.

[31] 冯陈蔚,李正刚,郭枭,庄新建,丁诗文,董卓倬,贺振,王铁霖,张坤*. 地黄花叶病毒河南分离物CP基因克隆及序列分析扬州大学学报 (农业与生命科学版). 2023, 44(4): 113-118.

[32] 郭枭,冯陈蔚,庄新建,丁诗文,董卓倬,贺振,张坤*. 地黄花叶病毒河南分离物检测鉴定及其MP序列分析扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版). 2022, 1671-4652.

[33] 顾天潇,冯陈尉,郭枭,花艳泓,贺振,张坤*.中国主要玉米病毒病的鉴定及分类研究进展江苏农业科学. 2023, 51(9): 1-9. 

[34] 张浩庄新建郭枭徐红梅贺振张坤*. (2021) 本氏烟转录因子bZIP60多克隆抗血清的制备及其应用中国烟草学报. 27(4): 67-71.

[35] 庄新建郭枭丁诗文董卓倬贺振张坤*. (2021) 河南温县地黄上瓜类褪绿黄化病毒的鉴定及其CP序列分析植物病理学报. 2021, 52(2): 296-300.

[36] 徐红梅庄新建陈佳欢,甘海锋贺振张坤*. (2020) 蚕豆常见病毒病的鉴定及分类综述江苏农业科学. 2020, 48(24): 8-16.

[37] 庄新建徐红梅甘海锋贺振刘芳张坤*. (2020) 我国常见小麦病毒病检测与鉴定方法的研究进展中国植保导刊. 2020, 10: 23-33.

[38] 庄新建徐红梅甘海锋贺振刘芳张坤*. (2020) 中国常见水稻病毒病鉴定方法研究进展浙江农业科学. 2020, 61(9): 1821-1832.

[39] 贺振甘海锋陈雯陈夕军张坤*. (2020) 雀麦花叶病毒外壳蛋白基因原核表达及抗血清制备植物保护学报. 2020, 47(2): 455-456.

[40] 甘海锋陈雯陈夕军张坤贺振*. (2020) 水仙上NYSVNDV种群结构与遗传多样性特征植物保护学报. 2020, 47 (1):187-196.

[41] 张坤甘海锋陈春峰陈雯贺振*. (2020) 快速灵敏的甘蔗线条花叶病毒免疫学检测体系的建立植物病理学报(英文). 2020, 50(4): 479-488.

[42] 张坤徐红梅臧颖庄新建甘海锋陈雯贺振*. (2020) 扬州蚕豆病毒的鉴定及蚕豆幽影病毒M扬州分离物基因组克隆及其序列分析植物病理学报. 2020, 50 (3):311-319.

[43] 张坤陈雯甘海锋罗云建陈夕军贺振*. (2019) 江苏省扬州市水仙病毒检测鉴定与序列分析植物保护. 2019, 45(6):106-113.

[44] 张坤, 徐红梅张定谅贺振刘芳*. (2019) RSV-寄主-介体三者间相互作用研究进展.中国农业大学学报. 2019, 24(6) 104-115.