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Paper Publications
ZS,高雪珂,王丽,姜伟丽,崔进杰,张利娟,杨益众,苏宏华.Chromosome-level genome assemblies of two cotton-melon aphid Aphis gossypii biotypes unveil mechanisms of host adaption.MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES,2022,22(3)1120-1134.
ZS,高雪珂,王丽,姜伟丽,崔进杰,张利娟,杨益众,苏宏华.Chromosome-level genome assemblies of two cotton-melon aphid Aphis gossypii biotypes unveil mechanisms of host adaption.MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES,2022,22(3)1120-1134.
ZS,苏宏华,姜伟丽,胡道武,Ali,景田兴,杨益众,马小艳.Symbiotic microbial studies in diverse populations of Aphis gossypii, existing on altered host plants in different localities during different times.ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION,2021,11(20)13948-13960.
ZS,苏宏华,姜伟丽,胡道武,Ali,景田兴,杨益众,马小艳.Symbiotic microbial studies in diverse populations of Aphis gossypii, existing on altered host plants in different localities during different times.ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION,2021,11(20)13948-13960.
Ruichang Niu, Xueke Gao, Junyu Luo, Li Wang, Kaixin Zhang, Dongyang Li, Jichao Ji, Jinjie Cui, Xiangzhen Zhu & Shuai Zhang (2021) Mitochondrial genome of Aphisgossypii Glover cucumber biotype (Hemiptera: Aphididae), Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 6:3, 922-924, DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2021.1888328.
Gao, X., Niu, R., Zhu, X., Wang, L., Ji, J., Niu, L., Wu, C., Zhang, S., Luo, J. and Cui, J. (2021), Characterization and comparison of the bacterial microbiota of Lysiphlebia japonica parasitioid wasps and their aphid host Aphis gosypii. Pest Manag Sci.
Muhammad Nasir, Chen-chen Zhao, Jun-yu Luo, Xiang-zhen Zhu, Xue-ke Gao, Mazher F. Iqbal, Ji-chao Ji, Shuai Zhang, Jin-jie Cui,Population dynamics, hunting nature on insect pests and existence of symbiotic bacterial microbes among leading transgenic cotton spiders,Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology,Volume 24, Issue 1,2021,Pages 297-307.
Zhao C, Ma C, Luo J, Niu L, Hua H, Zhang S, Cui J. Potential of Cucurbitacin B and Epigallocatechin Gallate as Biopesticides against Aphis gossypii. Insects. 2021 Jan 5;12(1):32. doi: 10.3390/insects12010032. PMID: 33466501; PMCID: PMC7824822..
Gao, X., Xue, H., Luo, J., Ji, J., Zhang, L., Niu, L., Zhu, X., Wang, L., Zhang, S., & Cui, J. (2020). Molecular Evidence that Lysiphlebia japonica Regulates the Development and Physiological Metabolism of Aphis gossypii. International journal of molecular sciences, 21(13), 4610.
Zhao C, Wu L, Luo J, Niu L, Wang C, Zhu X, Wang L, Zhao P, Zhang S and Cui J (2020) Bt, Not a Threat to Propylea japonica. Front. Physiol. 11:758. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00758.
Lin Niu, Fang Liu, Shuai Zhang, Junyu Luo, Lijuan Zhang, Jichao Ji, Xueke Gao, Weihua Ma, Jinjie Cui,Transgenic insect-resistant Bt cotton expressing Cry1Ac/CpTI does not affect the mirid bug Apolygus lucorum, Environmental Pollution, 264,2020,114762.
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