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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
1. 噬菌体探针可视化检测生物种族。
2. 基因工程化噬菌体抗菌。
3. 基于噬菌体的纳米疫苗。
1. 国家重点研发项目子课题,2022YFC2604202,“基于噬菌体展示技术的病原可视化现场快速检测技术研究”,2022-12至2025-11,98.9万,在研,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32271435,短噬菌体SPR探针暗场快速、超灵敏、可视化检测沙门菌的研究,2023-01至2026-12,54万,在研,主持。
3. 上海市农科委,科技创新行动计划项目,基于噬菌体的H3N2亚型AIV快速检测技术研发,2022-04至2025-03,80万,在研,共同主持。
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31870989,用于高灵敏、可视化病毒检测的噬菌粒纳米探针研究,2019-01至2022-12,59万,结题,主持。
5. 江苏省科技厅"双创团队"项目,337090055,“猪重要病毒的可视化检测研究”,2018-10至2021-09,60万,结题,主持。
6. 国家重点研发项目子课题,2016YFD0500804,“家禽致病性衣原体和沙门菌快速鉴定新技术研究”,2016-7至2021-6,65万,结题,主持。
7. 扬州大学高层次人才启动经费,137011016,病原体的快速检测及应用研究,2016-10至2020-09,100万,结题,主持。
8. 江苏省优势学科基金,3207034302,噬菌体展示多肽金纳米探针快检隐孢虫,2014-01至2016-12,20万,结题,主持。
1. Ping Li, Mangmang Shen, Haojie Ge, Xinan Jiao, Xin Zhou*, Xiang Chen*. Avi-tag mediated Phage@gold nanoprobe illuminates bacteria. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 502, 157801.
2. Jiasheng Yuan, Huquan Zhu, Shixinyi Li, Benjamin Thierry, Chih-Tsung Yang, Chen Zhang*, Xin Zhou*. Truncated M13 phage for smart detection of E. coli under dark field. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2024, 22, 599.
3. Jincheng Zhang, Yue Sun, Gan Xue, Mangmang Shen, Xin Zhou*. Biological characteristics of bacteriophage vB_Va_ZX-1 and its therapeutic effect on Chinese mitten crab infected by Vibrio alginolyticus. Aquaculture, Volume 595, Part 1,2025,741499.
4. Yukun Zeng, Ping Li, Shenglong Liu, Mangmang Shen, Yuqing Liu*, Xin Zhou*. Salmonella enteritidis acquires phage resistance through a point mutation in rfbD but loses some of its environmental adaptability. Veterinary Research, 2024, 55, 85.
5. Yukun Zeng, Mangmang Shen, Shenglong Liu, Xin Zhou*. Characterization and resistance mechanism of phage-resistant strains of Salmonella enteritidis. Poultry Science, 2024,103(6):103756.
6. Jinxiu Hou, Xuejia Qian, Yi Xu, Zhirui Guo, Benjamin Thierry, Chih-Tsung Yang*, Xin Zhou*, Chuanbin Mao*. Rapid and reliable ultrasensitive detection of pathogenic H9N2 viruses through virus-binding phage nanofibers decorated with gold nanoparticles. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2023, 237, 115423.
7. Yueqiu Lin, Shanghai Yong, Cole R. Scholtz, Cui Du, Shasha Sun, Jay D. Steinkruger, Xin Zhou*, Chen Zhou*, Shengyang Yang*. Exploration of surface chemistry effects on the biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of dual-ligand luminescent gold nanoparticles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2023, 666, 131316.
8. Jinxiu Hou, Yi Xu, Shasha Sun, Xiaoli Zhong, Chih-Tsung Yang*, Xin Zhou*. Gold nanoparticles-decorated M13 phage SPR probe for dual detection of antigen biomarkers in serum. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2023,374,132811.
9. Yanan Bai, Le He, Meijing Du, Mengling Sun, Xin Zhou*, Zhiqiang Xu*. Dark-field Visual Counting of White Spot Syndrome Virus using Gold Nanoparticle Probe. Aquaculture, 2023,562,738797.
10. Xuejia Qian, Yuanzhao Shen, Jiasheng Yuan, Chih-Tsung Yang* and Xin Zhou*. Visual and Ultrasensitive Detection of a Coronavirus Using a Gold Nanorod Probe under Dark Field. Biosensors, 2022, 12, 1146.
11. Ping Li, Wenjie Ma, Jiayin Shen* and Xin Zhou*. Characterization of Novel Bacteriophage vB_KpnP_ZX1 and its 3 Depolymerases with Therapeutic Potential for K57 Klebsiella pneumoniae Infection. Pharmaceutics, 2022.14.1916.
12. Tingting Liu, Ningwei Zhao, Mingze Shi, Yuanzhao Shen, Chuanbin Mao, Xin Zhou* Phage-derived Oncolytic Viruses with 3C from Seneca Valley Virus for Targeted Therapy of Cervical Cancer. Advanced Therapeutics, 2022. 2200059.
13. Yuan Jiasheng, Shen Jiayin, Chen Mingyu, Lou Zhichao, Zhang Shuye, Song Zhigang, Li Weiwei*, Xin Zhou*. Artificial intelligence-assisted enumeration of ultra-small viruses with dual dark-field plasmon resonance probes. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2021,199,113893.
14. Ping Li, Yangheng Zhang, Fuhua Yan* and Xin Zhou*. Characteristics of a Bacteriophage, vB_Kox_ZX8, Isolated from Clinical Klebsiella oxytoca and Its Therapeutic Effect on Mice Bacteremia. Front. Microbiol. 2021.12:763136.
15. Jinxiu Hou, Jiayin Shen, Ningwei Zhao, Chih-Tsung Yang, Benjamin Thierry, Xin Zhou*, Jin Zhu*, Chuanbin Mao*. Detection of a single circulating tumor cell using a genetically engineered antibody-like phage nanofiber probe. Materials Today Advances, 2021,12,100168.
16. Chang Ni, Yuanzhao Shen, Zhenzhen Li, Chih-Tsung Yang, Benjamin Thierry, Bing Yang*, and Xin Zhou*. An Ultrasensitive Virus ELISA Based on a magnetic Mesoporous Silica Nanoprobe. Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2021, 2100146.
17. Haixu Xu, Jiayin Shen, Chih-Tsung Yang, Benjamin Thierry, Ye. Zhu, Chuanbin Mao*, Xin Zhou*. Naked-eye counting of pathogenic viruses by phage-gold nanobiomaterials as probes. Materials Today Advances, 2021,10,100122.
18. Chen G, Bai Y, Li Z, Wang F, Fan X, Zhou X*. Bacterial extracellular vesicle-coated multi-antigenic nanovaccines protect against drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection by modulating antigen processing and presentation pathways. Theranostics, 2020, 10(16): 7131-7149.
19. Fenglei Chen†, Tao Di†, Chih-Tsung Yang, Tianyu Zhang, Benjamin Thierry, and Xin Zhou*. “Naked-eye enumeration of single chlamydia pneumoniae based on light scattering of gold nanoparticle probe”. ACS Sensors, 2020, 5, 4, 1140-1148.
20. Zhao Qian,Du, Cui,Jia, Yuanzheng, Yuan Jiasheng, Song Guangming, Zhou Xin*, Sun Shasha, Zhou Chen, Zhao Leipu, Yang Shengyang*. Solar-powered Janus membrane for one-step conversion of sewage to clean water. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 387, 124131.
21. Xin Zhou*, Chih-Tsung Yang, Qiaoshu Xu, Zhichao Lou, Zhengfeng Xu, Benjamin Thierry, and Ning Gu. Gold Nanoparticle Probe-Assisted Antigen-Counting Chip Using SEM. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 6769-6776.
22. Fenglei Chen†, Fang Tang†, Chih-Tsung Yang, Xinyao Zhao, Jun Wang, Benjamin Thierry, Vipul Bansal, Jianjun Dai and Xin Zhou*. Fast and Highly Sensitive Detection of Pathogens Wreathed with Magnetic Nanoparticles Using Dark-Field Microscopy. ACS Sensors, 2018, 3, 2175-2181.
23. Xin Zhou, Peng Cao, Ye Zhu, Wuguang Lu, Ning Gu*, Chuanbin Mao*. Phage-mediated counting by the naked eye of miRNA molecules at attomolar concentrations in a Petri dish. Nature Materials, 2015, 14(10): 1058–1064.
24. Minfang Zhang*, Yoshio Tahara, Mei Yang, Xin Zhou, Sumio Iijima and Masako Yudasaka*. Quantifi cation of Whole Body and Excreted Carbon Nanohorns Intravenously Injected into Mice. Advance Healthcare Materials, 2014, 3, 239–244.
25. Minfang Zhang*, Xin Zhou, Sumio Iijima, and Masako Yudasaka*, Small-Sized Carbon Nanohorns Enabling Cellular Uptake Control. Small, 2012, 8(16): 2524–2531.
26. Xin Zhou, Sijing Xia, Zhiqiang Lu, Yuan Tian, Yishu Yan, Jin Zhu* Biomineralization-Assisted Ultrasensitive Detection of DNA, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132 (20): 6932–6934.
27. Xin Zhou, Peng Cao, Yuan Tian, Jin Zhu*. Expressed Peptide Assay with Nanoparticle Probes, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132 (12): 4161–4168.
28. Min Hong, Xin Zhou, Zhiqiang Lu, Jin Zhu*. Nanoparticle-Based, Fluorous Tag-Driven DNA Detection, Angew Chem Int Ed., 2009, 48 (50):9503-9506.
1. 周昕,侯金秀。M13噬菌体探针及其制备方法。专利号:ZL202110502844.6。申请日期:2021.5.8。授权日期:2023.8.25。
2. 周昕,袁嘉晟,张天宇。一种核酸抗体修饰的新型免疫金探针的制备。专利号:ZL201910268840.9。申请日期:2019-04-04。授权日期:2022.02.11。
3. 周昕,陈铭煜,袁嘉晟。基于深度学习分析暗场显微镜中纳米探针捕获病毒的方法。专利号:ZL202011297415.1。申请日期:2020.11.18。授权日期:2021.08.31。
4. 周昕,邸涛。一种基于金纳米探针鉴定单个肺炎衣原体的方法。专利号:ZL201810054094.9。申请日期:2018-01-19。授权日期:2021.03.09
5. 周昕,李真真。磁性介孔二氧化硅纳米粒子探针及其制备方法和应用。专利号:ZL201910475019.4。申请日期:2019-05-31。授权日期:2020.09.29。