[11] 张宇,曹翰阳,张望,王亚婷.How Digital Skills Influence on Digital Participation in China? The Mediating Roles of Online Interpersonal Communication and Online Immersion.Sage open,2023,13(4):
[12] 刘伟忠,张望,郑仁杰.Differences in the influence of daily behavior on health among older adults in urban and rural areas evidence from China.Frontiers in Public Health,2023,
[13] 张宇,顾殷嘉.中国医疗卫生服务满意度影响因素的实证分析 ——基于CGSS2021的研究.运筹与模糊学,2023,
[14] 张宇,元宇宙的政治想象、平等性追问与治理思考.《贵州社会科学》,2023,
[15] 张宇,范蕴玉.基于fsQCA的公共阅读空间有效运行路径分析——以共同生产理论为研究视角.《图书情报工作》,2023,
[16] 张宇,王杰,陈嘉凯.Does environmental regulation policy help improve business performance of manufacturing enterprises? evidence from China.ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY,2023,25(5)4335-4364.
[17] 张宇,刘伟忠,范蕴玉,王杰,王亚婷.What Configuration can Trigger Pro-environmental Policy Agenda Setting in an Uncertain Social Context: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis based on the Multiple Streams Framework.Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice,2022,
[18] 张宇,刘伟忠,陈嘉凯,王杰.Does environmental regulation policy help improve business Performance of manufacturing enterprises? evidence from?China.Environment, Development and Sustainability,2022,
[19] 张宇,平台经济规范发展中的公民数据权——兼析“数据公共物品”.江苏大学学报(社会科学版),2022,
[20] 张宇,张凯丽.江苏省城乡基本医疗卫生服务均等化问题研究.经济研究导刊,2022,