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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
在科研方面,主要从事水稻遗传育种研究,在水稻穗部性状基因的挖掘、分子调控机制和育种利用方面开展了系统工作。在研主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(2项)、国家重点研发计划子课题(2项)、江苏特聘教授专项、江苏省杰出青年基金、江苏省重点研发计划项目子课题、江苏省种业振兴揭榜挂帅项目子课题等科研项目10多项。以(共同)第一和责任作者在New Phytologist、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Physiology、Genetics等期刊发表论文41篇;作为主要完成人审定水稻新品种3个,授权植物品种权2项、国家发明专利2项。获国家科技进步奖二等奖(排名3)、江苏省科学技术奖三等奖(排名5)和扬州市科技进步奖一等奖(排名2)各1项。担任Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Physiology、Plant Journal、Rice Science、作物学报、中国水稻科学等10多个国内外学术期刊的审稿专家。
1. Gao YB, Liu C, Wang JP, Lv MJ, Liu X, Zhang XX, Zhou J, Li XB, Wang YL, Dong GC, Huang JY, Liang GH, Yang ZF*, Zhou Y*, Yao YL*. Modified TAL expression in rice plant regulates yield components and grain quality in a N-rate dependent manner. Field Crops Research, 2024, 306: 109219.
2. Tan WC#, Miao J#, Xu B, Zhou CT, Wang YR, Gu XQ, Liang SN, Wang BX, Chen C, Zhu JY, Zuo SM, Yang ZF, Gong ZY, You AQ, Wu SJ*, Liang GH*, Zhou Y*. Rapid production of novel beneficial alleles for improving rice appearance quality by targeting a regulatory element of SLG7. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2023, 21(7):1305-1307.
3. Liu K#, Chen JJ#, Sun S, Chen X, Zhao XR, Hu YY, Qi GX, Li XY, Xu B, Miao J, Xue C*, Zhou Y*, Gong ZY*. Histone deacetylase OsHDA706 increases salt tolerance via H4K5/K8 deacetylation of OsPP2C49 in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2023, 65(6):1394-1407.
4. Huangfu LX#, Chen RJ#, Lu Y#, Zhang EY, Miao J, Zuo ZH, Zhao Y, Zhu MY, Zhang ZH, Li PC, Xu Y, Yao YL, Liang GH, Xu CW*, Zhou Y*, Yang ZF*. OsCOMT, encoding a caffeic acid O-methyltransferase in melatonin biosynthesis, increases rice grain yield through dual regulation of leaf senescence and vascular development. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2022, 20(6):1122-1139.
5. Gu HW#, Zhang KM#, Chen J, Gull S, Chen CY, Hou YF, Li XB, Miao J, Zhou Y*, Liang GH*. OsFTL4, an FT‑like gene, regulates flowering time and drought tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Rice, 2022, 15:47.
6. Xue C#, Liu GQ#, Sun S, Liu XY, Guo R, Cheng ZK, Yu HX, Gu MH, Liu K, Zhou Y*, Zhang T*, Gong ZY*. De novo centromere formation in pericentromeric region of rice chromosome 8. Plant Journal, 2022, 111: 859-871.
7. Zhang YG, Yao YJ, Xu ZS, Wang BQ, Mao YQ, Wang WL, Zhang WY, Zhang H, Liu LJ, Wang ZQ, Liang GH, Yang JC, Zhou Y*, Gu JF*. The relationships among “STAY-GREEN” trait, post-anthesis assimilate remobilization, and grain yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23: 13668.
8. Dong GC#, Zhou Y#, Zhang JX, Wang JP, Zhou J, Chen Chen, Zhang XX, Hua HL, Shu XW, Gao YB, Ju J, Zhang ZJ, Yang ZF, Wang YL, Huang JL, Liang GH*, Yao YL*. Introgression of qPE9-1/DEP1, a major QTL for rice panicle erectness, drastically improves nitrogen use efficiency under limited nitrogen supply. European Journal of Agronomy, 2022, 133: 126444.
9. Cao WL#, Zhang HM#, Zhou Y#, Zhao JH, Lu SB, Wang XQ, Chen XJ, Yuan LM, Guan HY, Wang GD, Shen WX, De Vleesschauwer D, Li ZQ, Shi XP, Gu JF, Guo M, Feng ZM, Chen ZX, Zhang YF, Pan XB, Liu WD, Liang GH, Yan CJ, Hu KM, Liu QQ, Zuo SM*. Suppressing chlorophyll degradation by silencing OsNYC3 improves rice resistance to Rhizoctonia solani, the causal agent of sheath blight. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2022, 20(2): 335-349.
10. Niu BX#, Zhang ZY#, Zhang J, Zhou Y, Chen C*. The rice LEC1-like transcription factor OsNF-YB9 interacts with SPK, an endosperm-specific sucrose synthase protein kinase, and functions in seed development. Plant Journal, 2021, 106(5):1233-1246
11. Chen RJ, Huangfu LX, Lu Y, Fang HM, Xu Y, Li PC, Zhou Y, Xu CW*, Huang JL*, Yang ZF*. Adaptive innovation of green plants by horizontal gene transfer. Biotechnology Advances. 2021, 46: 107671.
12. Xu XY#, E ZG#, Zhang DP#, Yun, QB, Zhou Y, Niu BX, Chen C*. OsYUC11-mediated auxin biosynthesis is essential for endosperm development of rice. Plant Physiology, 2021, 185(3): 934-950.
13. Chen XJ#, Pan MY#, E ZG, Zhou Y, Niu BX, Chen C*. The maternally expressed polycomb group gene OsEMF2a is essential for endosperm cellularization and imprinting in rice. Plant Communications, 2021, 2(1): 100092.
14. Huangfu LX, Zhang Z, Zhou Y, Zhang E, Chen RJ, Fang HM, Li PC, Xu Y, Yao YL, Zhu MY, Yin SY, Xu CW*, Lu Y*, Yang ZF*. Integrated physiological, metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses provide insights into the roles of exogenous melatonin in promoting rice seed germination under salt stress. Plant Growth Regulation, 2021, 95(3): 19-31
15. Xiong M, Chu LY, Li QF*, Yu JW, Yang YH, Zhou P, Zhou Y, Zhang CQ, Fan XL, Zhang DS, Yan CJ, Liu QQ*. Brassinosteroid and gibberellin coordinate rice seed germination and embryo growth by regulating glutelin mobilization. The Crop Journal, 2021, 9(5): 1039-1048
16. Zhang LX, Zhang CQ, Yan Y, Hu ZJ, Wang K, Zhou JH, Zhou Y, Cao LM, Wu SJ*. Influence of starch fine structure and storage proteins on the eating quality of rice varieties with similar amylose contents. 2021, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2021, 101(9): 3811-3818
17. Miao J, Li XF, Li XB, Tan WC, You AQ, Wu SJ, Tao YJ, Chen C, Wang J, Zhang DP, Gong ZY, Yi CD, Yang ZF, Gu MH, Liang GH*, Zhou Y*. OsPP2C09, a negative regulatory factor in abscisic acid signaling, plays an essential role in balancing plant growth and drought tolerance in rice. New Phytologist, 2020, 227(5): 1417-1433.
18. Chen XJ#, Pan MY#, E ZG, Zhou Y, Niu BX, Chen C*. Functional divergence of two duplicated Fertilization Independent Endosperm genes in rice with respect to seed development. Plant Journal, 2020, 104(1): 124-137.
19. Liu XY#, Sun S#, Wu Y, Zhou Y, Gu SW, Yu HX, Yi CD, Gu MH, Jiang JM, Liu B, Zhang T*, Gong ZY*. Dual-color oligo-FISH can reveal chromosomal variations and evolution in Oryza species. Plant Journal, 2020, 101(1): 112-121.
20. Tao YJ#, Miao J#, Wang J, Li WQ, Xu Y, Wang FQ, Jiang YJ, Chen ZH, Fan FJ, Xu MB, Zhou Y, Liang GH*, Yang J*. RGG1, involved in the cytokinin regulatory pathway, controls grain size in rice. Rice, 2020, 13(1): 76.
21. Miao J#, Yang ZF#, Zhang DP, Wang YZ, Xu MB, Zhou LH, Wang J, Wu SJ, Yao YL, Du X, Gu FF, Gong ZY, Gu MH, Liang GH*, Zhou Y*. Mutation of RGG2, which encodes a type B heterotrimeric G protein γ subunit, increases grain size and yield production in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, 7(3): 650-664.
22. Li XB, Shi SY, Tao QD, Tao YJ, Miao J, Peng XR, Li C, Yang ZF, Zhou Y*, Liang GH*. OsGASR9 positively regulates grain size and yield in rice (Oryza sativa). Plant Science, 2019, 286: 17-27.
23. Li XB, Tao QD, Miao J, Yang ZF, Gu MH, Liang GH*, Zhou Y*. Evaluation of differential qPE9-1/DEP1 protein domains in rice grain length and weight variation. Rice, 2019, 12(1): 5.
24. Wang JJ, Li ZK, Jin XL, Liang GH, Struik PC, Gu JF*, Zhou Y*. Phenotyping flag leaf nitrogen content in rice using a three-band spectral index. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2019, 162: 475-481.
25. Zhang DP#, Zhang MY#, Zhou Y#, Wang YZ, Shen JY, Chen HYX, Zhang L, Lv B, Liang GH*, Liang JS*. The rice G protein γ subunit DEP1/qPE9-1 positively regulates grain-filling process by auxin and cytokinin in rice grains. Rice, 2019, 12(1): 91.
26. Chen RJ#, Yao YL#, Fang HM, Zhang EY, Li PC, Xu Y, Yin SY, Huangfu LX, Sun GL, Xu CW*, Zhou Y*, Yang ZF*. Origin, evolution and functional characterization of the land plant glycoside hydrolase subfamily GH5_11. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2019, 138: 205-218.
27. Zhang Y#, Zhou Y, Deng DX, Sun Q, Chen SH, Liu HH, Yin ZT*. Genetic determinants controlling maize rubisco activase gene expression and a comparison with rice counterparts. BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19: 351.
28. Zhang XX#, Zhou J#, Huang NS, Mo LJ, Lv MJ, Gao YB, Chen C, Yin SY, Ju J, Dong GC, Zhou Y, Yang ZF, Li AH, Wang YH, Huang JY*, Yao YL*. Transcriptomic and co-expression network profiling of shoot apical meristem reveal contrasting response to nitrogen rate between Indica and Japonica rice subspecies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20(23): 5922.
29. Liu S#, Liu GQ#, Cheng PF, Xue C, Zhou Y, Chen X, Ye L, Qiao ZY*, Zhang T*, Gong ZY*. Genome-wide profiling of histone lysine butyrylation reveals its role in the positive regulation of gene transcription in rice. Rice, 2019, 12(1):86.
30. Tao YJ#, Wang J#, Miao J, Chen J, Wu SJ, Zhu JY, Zhang DP, Gu HW, Cui H, Shi SY, Xu MY, Yao YL, Gong ZY, Yang ZF, Gu MH, Zhou Y*, Liang GH*. The spermine synthase OsSPMS1 regulates seed germination, grain size, and yield. Plant Physiology, 2018, 178(4):1522-1536. (Co-senior Author)
31. Liu S, Xue C, Fang Y, Chen G, Peng XJ, Zhou Y, Chen C, Liu GQ, Gu MH, Wang K, Zhang WL, Wu YF* and Gong ZY*. Global involvement of lysine crotonylation in protein modification and transcription regulation in rice. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 2018, 17(10):1922-1936.
32. Zhou Y#, Tao YJ#, Yuan Y, Zhang YZ, Miao J, Zhang R, Yi CD, Gong ZY, Yang ZF*, Liang GH*. Characterisation of a novel quantitative trait locus, GN4-1, for grain number and yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2018, 131(3):637-648.
33. Zhou Y#, Tao YJ#, Zhu JY#, Miao J, Liu J, Liu YH, Yi CD, Yang ZF*, Gong ZY*, Liang GH*. GNS4, a novel allele of DWARF11, regulates grain number and grain size in a high-yield rice variety. Rice, 2017, 10:34.
34. Zhou Y#, Tao YJ#, Tang DN, Wang J, Zhong J, Wang Y, Yuan QM, Yu XF, Zhang Y, Liang GH, Wang YL*, Dong GC*. Identification of QTL associated with nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency using high throughput genotyped CSSLs in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:1166.
35. Fang HM, Huangfu LX, Chen RJ, Li PC, Xu SH, Zhang EY, Liu L, Yao YL, Liang GH, Xu CW, Zhou Y*, Yang ZF*. Ancestor of land plants acquired the DNA-3-methyladenine glycosylase (MAG) gene from bacteria through horizontal gene transfer. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 9324.
36. Xue C, Liu S, Chen C, Zhu J, Yang X, Zhou Y, Guo R, Liu X, Gong Z*. Global proteome analysis links lysine acetylation to diverse functions in Oryza sativa. Proteomics, 2017, 18(1):1700036.
37. Yi CD, Li W, Wang DR, Wei J, Hu DB, Zhou Y, Liang GH, Gu MH. Identification and cell wall analysis of interspecific hybrids between Oryza sativa and Oryza ridleyi. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(8): 1676-1681.
38. Tao YJ#, Zhu JY#, Xu JJ, Wang LJ, Gu HW, Zhou RH, Yang ZF, Zhou Y*, Liang GH*. Exploitation of heterosis loci for yield and yield components in rice using chromosome segment substitution lines. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 36802.
39. Yang ZF, Liu L, Fang HM, Li PC, Xu SH, Cao W, Xu CW*, Huang JL*, Zhou Y*. Origin of the plant Tm-1-like gene via two independent horizontal transfer events and one gene fusion event. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 33691.
40. Hong LL, Dumond M, Tsugawa S, Sapala A, Routier-Kierzkowska AL, Zhou Y, Chen C, Kiss A, Zhu MY, Hamant O, Smith RS, Komatsuzaki T, Li CB, Boudaoud A*, Roeder AHK*. Variable cell growth yields reproducible organ development through spatiotemporal averaging. Developmental Cell, 2016, 38(1): 15-32.
41. Zhou Y#, Dong GC#, Tao YJ, Chen C, Yang B, Wu Y, Yang ZF, Liang GH, Wang BH*, Wang YL*. Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with toot traits using sequencing-based genotyping chromosome segment substitution lines derived from 9311 and Nipponbare in rice (Oryza sativa L.). PLoS One, 2016, 11(3): e0151796.
42. Zhou Y#, Miao J#, Gu HY#, Peng XR, Leburu M, Yuan FH, Gu HW, Gao Y, Tao YJ, Zhu JY, Gong ZY, Yi CD, Gu MH, Yang ZF*, Liang GH*. Natural variations in SLG7 regulate grain shape in rice. Genetics, 2015, 201(4): 1591-1599.
43. Yang ZF#, Zhou Y#, Huang JL, Hu YY, Zhang EY, Xie ZW, Ma SJ, Gao Y, Song S, Xu CW*, Liang GH*. Ancient horizontal transfer of transaldolase-like protein gene and its role in plant vascular development. New Phytologist, 2015, 206(2): 807-816.
44. Zhang DP#, Zhou Y#, Yin JF, Yan XJ, Lin S, Xu WF*, Baluska F, Wang YP, Xia YJ, Liang GH, Liang JS*. Rice G-protein subunits qPE9-1and RGB1 play distinct roles in abscisic acid responses and drought adaptation. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2015, 66(20): 6371-6384.
45. Yuan Y#, Miao J#, Tao YJ, Ji CQ, Du PN, Wang J, Wang ZD, Chen D, Gong ZY, Yi CD, Zhu JY, Dong GC, Gu MH, Zhou Y*, Liang GH*. Identification and fine mapping of qPH6, a novel major quantitative trait locus for plant height in rice. Molecular Breeding, 2015, 35(1):36.
46. Zhu JY#, Niu YC#, Tao YJ, Wang J, Jian JB, Tai SS, Li J, Yang J, Zhong WG, Zhou Y*, Liang GH*. Construction of high-throughput genotyped chromosome segment substitution lines in rice (Oryza sativa L.) and QTL mapping for heading date. Plant Breeding, 2015, 134(2): 156-163.
47. Yi C*, Wang M, Jiang W, Wang DR, Zhou Y, Gong ZY, Liang GH, Gu MH. Isolation and identification of a functional centromere element in the wild rice species oryza granulata with the gg genome. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2015, 42(12):699-702.
48. Yi CD, Wang MS, Jiang W, Wang DR, Cheng XJ, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Liang GH, Gu MH. Development and characterization of synthetic amphiploids of Oryza sativa and Oryza latifolia. Science Bulletin, 2015, 60(23): 2059-2062
49. Gao Q, Zang H, Gao Y, Yang ZF, Zhou Y, Luo YM, Yuan Y, Wang YF, Yang LM, Xu X, Wang J, Xu CW, Liang GH. Comprehensive molecular evolution and gene expression analyses of the ABC1 atypical kinase family in rice and Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 2015, 24(2): 210-217.
50. Guo R, Xue C, Liu S, Zhou Y, Zhang ML, Gong ZY. Analysis of epigenetic chromatin modification during mitosis in rice. The Indian journal of genetics & plant breeding, 2016, 76(1): 24-30.
51. Yang ZF, Wang Y, Gao Y, Zhou Y, Zhang EY, Hu Y, Yuan Y, Liang GH, Xu CW*. Adaptive evolution and divergent expression of heat stress transcription factors in grasses. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2014, 14:147.
52. Zhou Y#, Gong ZY#, Yang ZF, Yuan Y, Zhu JY, Wang M, Yuan FH, Wu SJ, Wang ZD, Yi CD, Xu T, Ryom M, Gu MH, Liang GH*. Mutation of the light-induced yellow leaf 1 gene, which encodes a geranylgeranyl reductase, affects chlorophyll biosynthesis and light sensitivity in rice. PLoS One, 2013, 8(9): e75299.
53. Yang Z, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Gao Q, Zhang E, Zhu L, Hu Y, Xu C*. Evolution of land plant genes encoding L-Ala-D/L-Glu epimerases (AEEs) via horizontal gene transfer and positive selection. BMC Plant Biology, 2013, 13:34.
54. Yi C*, Zhang W, Dai XB, Li X, Gong ZY, Zhou Y, Liang GH, Gu MH. Identification and diversity of functional centromere satellites in the wild rice species Oryza brachyantha. Chromosome Research, 2013, 21(8):725-737.
55. Gong ZY, Xue C, Zhou Y, Zhang ML, Liu XX, Shi GX, Yu HX, Yi CD, Gu MH. Molecular cytological characterization of somatic variation in rice aneuploids. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2013, 31(6):1242-1248.
56. Zhou Y#, Yuan Y#, Yuan FH, Wang M, Zhong H, Gu MH, Liang GH*. RNAi-directed down-regulation of RSV results in increased resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Biotechnology Letters, 2012, 34(5): 965-972.
57. Gao QS, Yang ZF, Zhou Y, Yin ZT, Qiu J, Liang GH, Xu CW*. Characterization of an Abc1 kinase family gene OsABC1-2 conferring enhanced tolerance to dark-induced stress in rice. Gene, 2012, 498(2):155-163.
58. Li Y,Li L,Zhou Y,Gao Q,Liang G,Chen X,Qi X. Cloning and Characterization of the Wx Gene Encoding a Granule-Bound Starch Synthase in Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn). Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2012, 30(5):1210-1217.
59. Sui JM, Guo BT, Wang JS, Qiao LX, Zhou Y, Zhang HG, Gu MH, Liang GH. A new GA-insensitive semidwarf mutant of rice (Oryza sativa L.) with a missense mutation in the SDG gene. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2012, 30(1): 187-194.
60. Zhu JY, Zhou Y, Liu YH, Wang ZD, Tang ZX, Yi CD, Tang SZ, Gu MH, Liang GH*. Fine mapping of a major QTL controlling panicle number in rice. Molecular Breeding, 2011, 27(2): 171-180.
61. Zhou Y#, Fang YX#, Zhu JY, Li SQ, Gu F, Gu MH, Liang GH*. (2010). Genetic analysis and gene fine mapping of a rolling leaf mutant (rl11(t)) in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(17): 1763-1769.
62. Zhou Y, Zhu JY, Li ZY, Gu F, Zhang HG, Tang SZ, Gu MH, Liang GH*. Fine mapping and cloning of MT1, a novel allele of D10. Progress in Natural Science, 2009, 19(12): 1683-1689.
63. Zhou Y, Zhu JY, Li ZY, Yi CD, Liu J, Zhang HG, Tang SZ, Gu MH, Liang GH*. (2009). Deletion in a quantitative trait gene qPE9-1 associated with panicle erectness improves plant architecture during rice domestication. Genetics, 2009, 183(1): 315-324.
64. Wu SJ, Zhong H, Zhou Y, Zuo H, Zhou LH, Zhu JY, Ji CQ, Gu SL, Gu MH, Liang GH. Identification of QTLs for the resistance to rice stripe virus in the indica rice variety Dular. Euphytica, 2009, 165(3): 557-565.
65. Yang ZF#, Zhou Y#, Wang XF, Gu SL, Yu JM, Liang GH, Yan CJ, Xu CW*. Genome-wide comparative phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary analysis of tubby-like protein family in Arabidopsis, rice, and poplar. Genomics, 2008, 92(4): 246-253.
66. Yi CD, Tang SZ, Zhou Y, Liang GH, Gong ZY, Gu MH. Development and characterization of interspecific hybrids between Oryza sativa and Oryza latifolia by in situ hybridization. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(019): 2973-2980.
67. Wang J, Wu SJ, Zhou Y, Zhou LH, Xu JF, Hu J, Fang YX, Gu MH, Liang GH. Genetic analysis and molecular mapping of a presentencing leaf gene psl1 in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Chinese Science Bulletin, 2006, 51(024): 2986-2992.
1. 国家科技进步奖二等奖,长江中游优质中籼稻新品种培育与应用,中华人民共和国国务院,排名3/10
2. 江苏青年五四奖章集体,共青团江苏省委、江苏省青年联合会,排名1/17
3. 江苏农业青年科技奖,江苏省农学会,排名1/1
4. 江苏省优秀博士学位论文,水稻重要穗部性状QTLs的定位与克隆,江苏省学位委员会,排名1/1
5. 江苏省科学技术奖三等奖,水稻遗传群体创建和产量相关性状分子基础解析,江苏省人民政府,排名5/7
6. 扬州市科技进步奖一等奖,重要农艺性状基因在水稻和玉米中的遗传演化及功能鉴定,扬州市人民政府,排名2/9
7. 扬州市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖,《Natural Variations in SLG7 Regulate Grain Shape in Rice》,扬州市人民政府,排名1/1