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Paper Publications
Yingying Zhang
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Paper Publications
Yingying Zhang,管永晶,范晓腾,吴朗,王在照.Bisphenol A regulates rare minnow testicular vitellogenin expression via reducing its promoter Er recruitment.ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2018,147423-429.
Yingying Zhang,Hui Yang,宋维嘉,崔丹,王立新.Identification and characterization of a novel goose-type and chicken-type lysozyme genes in Chinese rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) with potent antimicrobial activity.GENES & GENOMICS,2018,40(6)569-577.
张莹莹,程梦倩,吴郎,张国.Bisphenol A induces spermatocyte apoptosis in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus.Aquatic Toxicology,2016,17918-26.
张莹莹,刘琰,高建操,袁聪.Testicular transcript responses in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus following different concentrations bisphenol A exposure.Chemosphere,2016,156357-366.
张莹莹,吴郎,张国,管永晶.Effect of low-dose malathion on the gonadal development of adult rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2015,125135-140.
张莹莹,刘琰,袁聪,陶诗雨.Non-monotonic doseeresponse effect of bisphenol A on rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus ovarian development.Chemosphere,2015,144304-311.
张莹莹,袁聪,秦芳,胡国军.Molecular characterization of gdf9 and bmp15 genes in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus and their expression upon bisphenol A exposure in adult females.Gene,2014,546214-221.
张莹莹,高建操,徐鹏,袁聪,秦芳,刘少贞,郑尧,杨彦平.Low-dose bisphenol A disrupts gonad development and steroidogenic genes expression in adult female rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus.Chemosphere,2014,112435-442.
张莹莹,袁聪,胡国军,李蒙,郑尧,高建操,杨彦平,周莹.Characterization of four nr5a genes and gene expression profiling for testicular steroidogenesis-related genes and their regulatory factors in response to bisphenol A in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus.General and Comparative Endocrinology,2013,19431-44.
张莹莹,王厚鹏,秦芳,刘少贞,吴婷婷,李蒙,徐鹏,张霞,王雪芹,胡国军,袁聪.Molecular characterization of estrogen receptor genes in loach Paramisgurnus dabryanus and their expression upon 17a-ethinylestradiol exposure in juveniles.General and Comparative Endocrinology,2012,178194-205.
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