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Paper Publications
Yingying Zhang
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Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
Yingying Zhang,殷棚,孙文博,徐家雯,马朱奕.Synergistic toxic effects of copper sulfate and trichlorfon on the health and intestinal microbiota of gibel carp Carassius auratus gibelio.AQUACULTURE,2024,593
Yingying Zhang,居建,黎敏,马朱奕,陆文燕,杨辉.Dose-dependent effects of polystyrene nanoplastics on growth, photosynthesis, and astaxanthin synthesis in Haematococcus pluvialis☆.ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2024,359
Yingying Zhang,徐昕睿,孙文博,王雨婷,杨辉.Fairy shrimp Branchinella kugenumaensis displays sensitivity to microplastic exposure.JOURNAL OF OCEANOLOGY AND LIMNOLOGY,2024,42(4)1186-1199.
Yingying Zhang,居建,龙小东,祝明振,江逸楠,杨辉.Length-dependent toxic effects of microplastic fibers on Chlorella pyrenoidosa.ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION,2024,342
Yingying Zhang,江逸楠,朱珠,徐昕睿,杨辉.Polyacrylonitrile microfibers pose a significant threat to the early-stage survival of zebrafish.AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY,2023,265
Yingying Zhang,朱珠,江逸楠,季通伟,白皓,赵海勇,杨辉.Addition of Bdellovibrio to aquaculture water can significantly alter the distribution of microbial community on the gills and enhance the survival rate of Carassius auratus gibelio.AQUACULTURE,2023,576
Yingying Zhang,朱珠,刘乔,张萌,杨辉,魏文志.Bisphenol A disrupts apolipoprotein E expression through estrogen-related receptor gamma and DNA methlylation in the liver of male rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus.ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY,2021,228
Yingying Zhang,季通伟,江逸楠,张晨,杨辉,刘秋宁.Long-term effects of three compound probiotics on water quality, growth performances, microbiota distributions and resistance to Aeromonas veronii in crucian carp Carassius auratus gibelio.FISH & SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY,2022,120233-241.
Yingying Zhang,江逸楠,王子莹,汪家裕,祝明振,杨辉.Effects of Dietary Resveratrol, Bile Acids, Allicin, Betaine, and Inositol on Recovering the Lipid Metabolism Disorder in the Liver of Rare Minnow Gobiocypris rarus Caused by Bisphenol A.AQUACULTURE NUTRITION,2022,2022
Yingying Zhang,江逸楠,朱珠,徐昕睿,杨辉.Polyacrylonitrile microfibers pose a significant threat to the early-stage survival of zebrafish.AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY,2023,265
Yingying Zhang,朱珠,江逸楠,季通伟,白皓,赵海勇.Addition of Bdellovibrio to aquaculture water can significantly alter the distribution of microbial community on the gills and enhance the survival rate of Carassius auratus gibelio.AQUACULTURE,2023,576
张建禄,朱珠,黄吉芹,杨辉,王启军.Analyzing the impact and mechanism of bisphenol A on testicular lipid metabolism in Gobiocypris rarus through integrated lipidomics and transcriptomics.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2023,265115498.
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