汪洋,周逸,杜可.Enumeration, Nomenclature, and Stability Rules of Carbon Nanobelts.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING,2024,64(4)1261-1276.
汪洋,Extension and Quantification of the Fries Rule and Its Connection to Aromaticity: Large-Scale Validation by Wave-Function-Based Resonance Analysis.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING,2022,62(21)5136-5148.
汪洋,Quantitative Resonance Theory Based on the Clar Sextet Model.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A,2022,126(1)164-176.
汪洋,Extension and Quantification of the Fries Rule and Its Connection to Aromaticity: Large-Scale Validation by Wave-Function-Based Resonance Analysis.JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING,2022,62(21)5136-5148.
汪洋,Quantitative Resonance Theory Based on the Clar Sextet Model.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A,2022,126(1)164-176.
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