
  • 教师姓名:陈铭

  • 教师拼音名称:Chen Ming

  • 电子邮箱:

  • 入职时间:2008-06-01

  • 所在单位:化学化工学院

  • 职务:物理化学教研室

  • 学历:博士研究生毕业

  • 办公地点:瘦西湖校区新化学楼N519

  • 性别:男

  • 联系方式:chenming@yzu.edu.cn

  • 学位:博士

  • 职称:正高级

  • 在职信息:在岗

  • 主要任职:实验中心主任

  • 毕业院校:扬州大学

  • 博士生导师

  • 硕士生导师

  • 所属院系: 化学化工学院

  • 学科:物理化学


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以对氨基苯硫酚作为桥连剂,通过主客体包合作用,将其间接固载到环糊精修饰磁性纳米球表面,并用于连接贵金属纳米粒子,得到了一种可拆卸式的磁性催化剂(如图1所示)初步证实了基于主体竞争解组装过程的可行性,相关论文发表于New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 8482; Colloids Surfaces A 2019, 580, 123729,并申请专利一项,已获授权:可拆卸式磁微球负载贵金属催化剂的制备方法及其拆卸方法,专利授权号:ZL201610463722.X,授权公告日:2018-06-12


利用两亲杯[4]芳烃磺酸盐改变金、银纳米粒子表面的极性,实现了贵金属纳米粒子在极性和非极性两相溶剂中的可逆相转移。相关论文发表于Langmuir. 2008, 24, 3471; Nanotechnology. 2007, 18, 175706


    以双端金刚烷为桥连剂,在石墨烯纳米片表面修饰聚合物环糊精,通过双端金刚烷的连接,实现石墨烯纳米片自组装成为3D石墨烯片层组装体 (Appl. Surf. Sci., 2017, 396, 412)



1)        Wenjie Liu, Kun Yuan, Peipei Liu, Ming Chen* Construction of detachable core/shell Fe3O4@C supported noble metal catalysts and their catalytic performance Colloids and Surfaces A 2019, 580, 123729

2)        Yuan Chen, Wenjie Liu, Jun Zhou, Ming Chen.* Fabrication of Fe3O4 based ternary magnetic microspheres catalysts based on supramolecular chemistry and their catalytic performance New Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 43, 8482 – 8491

3)        Ming Chen, Xiao Shen, Peipei Liu, Ying Wei, Yang Meng, Gang Zheng, Guowang Diao*. β-cyclodextrin polymer as a linker to fabricate ternary nanocomposites AuNPs/pATP-β-CDP/rGO and their electrochemical application, Carbohydrate  Polymers, 2015, 119, 26–34.

4)        Ming Chen, Yang Meng, Jun Zhou, Guowang Diao*. Platinum nanoworms self-assemble on β-cyclodextrin polymer inclusion complexes functionalized reduced graphene oxide as enhanced catalyst for direct methanol fuel cells. J. Power Sources. 2014, 265, 110–117.

5)        Ming Chen, WenHua Ding, Yang Kong, GuoWang Diao*. Conversion of the Surface Property of Oleic Acid Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles from Hydrophobic to Hydrophilic Based on Host-Guest Binding Interaction. Langmuir. 2008, 24(7), 3471-3478.

6)        Ming Chen, Guowang Diao*, Chun Hui Li, Xiaoming Zhou. Phase Transition of Silver Nanoparticles from Aqueous Solution to Chloroform with the Help of Inclusion Complexes of p-Sulfonated Calix[4]arene and Alkanethiol Molecules and Its Application in the Size Sorting of Nanoparticles. Nanotechnology. 2007, 18(17), 175706.

7)        Ming Chen, Guowang Diao*, Xiaoming Zhou. Formation of Nanospheres of Cuprous Oxide with   Bridge Linker of p-Sulfonated Calix[8]arene Host. Nanotechnology. 2007, 18(27), 275606.

8)        Jun Zhou, Ming Chen, Guowang Diao*. Magnetic-Responsive Supramolecular Vesicles From Self-Organization of Amphiphilic Pillar[5]arene and Application in Controlled Release. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6 (21), pp 18538–18542.

9)        Jun Zhou, Ming Chen, Guowang Diao*. Synthesis of the first amphiphilic pillar[6]arene and its enzyme-responsive self-assembly in water. Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 11954-11956.

10)     Wang Zhang, Ming Chen, Xiangdong Gong, Guowang Diao. Universal water-soluble cyclodextrin polymer–carbon nanomaterials with supramolecular recognition. Carbon 2013, 61, 154–163.

11)     Lubin Ni, Wang Zhang, Zhen Wu, Chunyu Sun, Yin Cai, Guang Yang, Ming Chen, Yuanzhe Piao, Guowang Diao*. Supramolecular assembled threedimensional graphene hybrids: Synthesis and applications in supercapacitors. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 396, 412-420.

12)     Lubin Ni*, Guang Yang, Qi Wang, Suqin Duan, Chao Shen, Ju Xie, Guosheng Niu, Huan Li, Ming Chen, Guowang Diao*. Supramolecular complexation of polysulfides by β-cyclodextrin polymer functionalized graphene hybrid cathode for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries Energy Storage Materials. 2019, 21, 378-389

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