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Master Tutor

Name (Pinyin):CQ



Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Business Address:扬子津校区笃行楼N207


Professional Title:中级


Alma Mater:英国普利茅斯大学

Increased M1 macrophages in young miR-15a/16(-/-) mice with tumour grafts or dextran sulphate sodium-induced colitis

Date:2021-07-11 clicks:

Journal:Current Issues in Tourism

First Author:Qian Chen; Rong Huang

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-03-14

Included Journals:SSCI

Pre One:MiR-15a/16-1 deficiency induces IL-10-producing CD19(+) TIM-1(+) cells in tumor microenvironment Next One:Increased Expression of PHGDH and Prognostic Significance in Colorectal Cancer