Haidong Ding
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:南京农业大学
Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
- Haidong Ding,吴晓霞,徐小颖,张彪.基于多维教学平台的植物学实验“线上线下、虚实结合”混合式教学模式的创新与实践.高校生物学教学研究(电子版),2024 ,14 (01)48-52.
- Haidong Ding,谢其慧,纪宇蓉,钱璐,贯雅丽,葛才林.The Characteristics of Solanum lycopersicum SlSPRH1 and its Negative Role in Thermotolerance in Arabidopsis.JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION,2023,42(2)908-921.
- Haidong Ding,钱莹,方一帆,纪宇蓉,盛佳容,葛才林.Characteristics of SlCML39, a Tomato Calmodulin-like Gene, and Its Negative Role in High Temperature Tolerance of Arabidopsis thaliana during Germination and Seedling Growth.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES,2021,22(21)
- Haidong Ding,钱璐,蒋海龙,纪宇蓉,方一帆,盛佳容,徐小颖,葛才林.Overexpression of a Bcl-2-associated athanogene SlBAG9 negatively regulates high-temperature response in tomato.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2022,194695-705.
- Haidong Ding,谢其慧,纪宇蓉,钱璐,贯雅丽,葛才林.The Characteristics of Solanum lycopersicum SlSPRH1 and its Negative Role in Thermotolerance in Arabidopsis.JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION,2023,42(2)908-921.