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- Paper Publications more+
- [1] Rao Y,Yu Sh,Liang L,Wang Q,Lu J,Wang B,Gou K*.Trans 10, cis 12-conjugated linoleic acid in low concentration reduces while in high concentratio....Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry,2024,135:109801. [2] Rao Y,Liang L,Li M,Wang Y,Wang B,Gou KM*.Transgenic female mice producing trans 10, cis 12-conjugated linoleic acid present excessive pros....Scientific Reports,2024,14:12430. [3] Yu S.,Wang B.,Rao Y.,Liu M.,Liang L.,Gou KM*.Trans 10, cis 12-conjugated linoleic acid reduced reproductive ability by disrupting the estrus c....Animal Reproduction,2024,21(2):e20240010. [4] Rao Y,Li S,Li M,Wang B,Wang Y,Liang L,Yu S,Liu Z,Cui S,Gou KM*.Transgenic mice producing the trans 10, cis 12-conjugated linoleic acid present reduced adiposity....The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry,2023,120:109419. [5] Lu C,Zhang D,Zhang J,Li L,Qiu J,Gou KM,Cui S*.Casein kinase 1a regulates murine spermatogenesis by p53-Sox3 signaling.Development,2022,149:dev200205. [6] Luo X,Liu H,Guo HZ,Sun LJ,Gou KM*,Cui S*.RAF1 mediates the FSH signaling pathway as a downstream molecule to stimulate estradiol synthesis....Annals of Translational Medicine,2022,10(6):314. [7] Song LL,Kim DS,Gou WY,Wang JJ,Wang P,Wei ZG,Liu B,Li ZH,Gou KM*,Wang HJ*.GRP94 Regulates M1 Macrophage Polarization and Insulin Resistance.American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism,2020,318(6):E1004-E1013. [8] Rao Y,Li SL,Li MJ,Cui S,Gou KM*.A single amino acid substitution in the FAD-binding domain causes the inactivation of Propionibac....Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry,2020,84(4):789-796. [9] Zhang JL,Qiu JT,Zhou YW,Wang Y,Li HJ,Zhang TJ,Jiang Y,Gou KM*,Cui S*.LIM homeobox transcription factor Isl1 is crucial for melatonin synthesis in the pig pineal gland.J Pineal Res,2018,65(1):e12481. [10] Li MJ,Li SL,Rao Y,Cui S,Gou KM*.Loss of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain results in the bladder and stomach developing lesion dur....J Genet,2018,97(2):469-475.
- Patents
- [1] 产共轭亚油酸的食品级重组乳酸乳球菌及其构建方法与应用 [2] 亚油酸异构酶在脱氢和异构方面的双重用途 [3] 一种哺乳类精子头后部膜蛋白的分离方法及其应用 [4] 苟克勉 , 共轭亚油酸异构体在制备预防/治疗结直肠炎和结直肠肿瘤的产品中的用途 [5] 苟克勉 , 反式-10,顺式-12共轭亚油酸的用途
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- [1] 法氏囊病疫苗和人血清白蛋白等产品的动物乳腺生物反应器研制,863计划(子课题), [2] 卵泡微环境以及卵巢病变影响卵母细胞发育成熟的作用和机制研究,科技部, [3] 猪垂体促性腺激素周期性合成的RNA甲基化调控机制,国家自然科学基金重点项目, [4] 胞内单精子注射法生产转基因绵羊的研究,北京市自然科学基金(面上), [5] 法氏囊病疫苗的动物乳腺生物反应器研制,863重大专项(副主持), [6] 猪繁殖力的生理学及相关遗传调控机理,973计划(骨干),苟克勉 [7] 优质转基因肉羊新品种培育,转基因生物新品种重大专项, [8] 亚油酸异构酶 pai 基因克隆与功能验证,高等院校基本科研业务费, [9] 构建高瘦肉率、高肌间脂肪含量和高生殖能力的转基因猪,转基因生物新品种重大专项, [10] 动物垂体发育和促性腺激素分泌的细胞和分子机理,国家基金重点项目,