Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:中国科学院大学
Paper Publications
Li Yi,赵欣畅,吴丽霞,汪煜,徐傲,林文飞.Blackwellomyces kaihuaensis and Metarhizium putuoense (Hypocreales), Two New Entomogenous Fungi from Subtropical Forests in Zhejiang Province, Eastern China.FORESTS,2023,14(12)
Li Yi,江岚,Hawksworth,王永会,陆焦焦,姚一建.Typification of Sphaeria sinensis to precisely fix the application of the name of the economically important Chinese caterpillar fungus, Ophiocordyceps sinensis.TAXON,2021,70(6)1329-1338.
Li Yi,蒋岚,David L. H,王永会,陆焦焦,姚一建.Typification of Sphaeria sinensis to precisely fix the application of the name of the economically important Chinese caterpillar fungus, Ophiocordyceps sinensis.Taxon,2021,70(6)1329-1338.
Li Yi,赵欣畅,吴利霞,汪煜,徐傲,林文飞.Blackwellomyces kaihuaensis and Metarhizium putuoense (Hypocreales), Two New Entomogenous Fungi from Subtropical Forests in Zhejiang Province, Eastern China.Forests,2023,14(2333)1-19.
Li Yi,赵欣畅,吴丽霞,汪煜,徐傲,林文飞.Blackwellomyces kaihuaensis and Metarhizium putuoense (Hypocreales), Two New Entomogenous Fungi from Subtropical Forests in Zhejiang Province, Eastern China.forests,2023,142333-23333.
Li Yi,赵欣畅,吴丽霞,汪煜,徐傲,林文飞.Blackwellomyces kaihuaensis and Metarhizium putuoense (Hypocreales), Two New Entomogenous Fungi from Subtropical Forests in Zhejiang Province, Eastern China.forests,2023,142333-23333.
Li Yi,赵欣畅,吴丽霞,汪煜,徐傲,林文飞.Blackwellomyces kaihuaensis and Metarhizium putuoense (Hypocreales), Two New Entomogenous Fungi from Subtropical Forests in Zhejiang Province, Eastern China.forests,2023,142333-23333.
Li Yi,赵欣畅,吴丽霞,汪煜,徐傲,林文飞.Blackwellomyces kaihuaensis and Metarhizium putuoense (Hypocreales), Two New Entomogenous Fungi from Subtropical Forests in Zhejiang Province, Eastern China.forests,2023,142333-23333.
Li Yi,赵欣畅,吴丽霞,汪煜,徐傲,林文飞.Blackwellomyces kaihuaensis and Metarhizium putuoense (Hypocreales), Two New Entomogenous Fungi from Subtropical Forests in Zhejiang Province, Eastern China.forests,2023,142333-23333.
Li Yi,赵欣畅,吴丽霞,汪煜,徐傲,林文飞.Blackwellomyces kaihuaensis and Metarhizium putuoense (Hypocreales), Two New Entomogenous Fungi from Subtropical Forests in Zhejiang Province, Eastern China.forests,2023,142333-23333.