Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:中国科学院大学
Scientific Research
Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
- Li Yi,赵欣畅,吴丽霞,汪煜,徐傲,林文飞.Blackwellomyces kaihuaensis and Metarhizium putuoense (Hypocreales), Two New Entomogenous Fungi from Subtropical Forests in Zhejiang Province, Eastern China.FORESTS,2023,14(12)
- Li Yi,江岚,Hawksworth,王永会,陆焦焦,姚一建.Typification of Sphaeria sinensis to precisely fix the application of the name of the economically important Chinese caterpillar fungus, Ophiocordyceps sinensis.TAXON,2021,70(6)1329-1338.
- Li Yi,蒋岚,David L. H,王永会,陆焦焦,姚一建.Typification of Sphaeria sinensis to precisely fix the application of the name of the economically important Chinese caterpillar fungus, Ophiocordyceps sinensis.Taxon,2021,70(6)1329-1338.
- Li Yi,赵欣畅,吴利霞,汪煜,徐傲,林文飞.Blackwellomyces kaihuaensis and Metarhizium putuoense (Hypocreales), Two New Entomogenous Fungi from Subtropical Forests in Zhejiang Province, Eastern China.Forests,2023,14(2333)1-19.
- Li Yi,赵欣畅,吴丽霞,汪煜,徐傲,林文飞.Blackwellomyces kaihuaensis and Metarhizium putuoense (Hypocreales), Two New Entomogenous Fungi from Subtropical Forests in Zhejiang Province, Eastern China.forests,2023,142333-23333.
Published Books
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Research Projects
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