Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Pre One:Zhang CQ#, Zhou LH#, Lu Y, Yang Y, Feng LH, Hao WZ, Li QF, Fan XL, Zhao DS, Liu QQ*. Changes in the physicochemical properties and starch structures of rice grains upon pre-harvest sprouting. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 234, 115893. (1区, IF: 9.381)
Next One:Zhang CQ, Yang Y, Chen ZZ, Chen F, Pan LX, Lu Y, Li QF, Fan XL, Sun ZZ, Liu QQ*. Characteristics of grain physicochemical properties and the starch structure in rice carrying a mutated ALK/SSIIa gene. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68, 47, 13950–13959. (1区,IF: 5.279)