Fabao Gao
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:北京工业大学
Paper Publications
Fabao Gao,Jaume Llib.Periodic orbits of the two fixed centers problem with a variational gravitational field.CELESTIAL MECHANICS & DYNAMICAL ASTRONOMY,2020,132(6-7)
Fabao Gao,王瑞芳,Lai SK.Bifurcation and Chaotic Analysis for Cable Vibration of a Cable-Stayed Bridge.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DYNAMICS,2020,20(2)
Fabao Gao,Jaume Llib.Global dynamics of Horava-Lifshitz cosmology with non-zero curvature and a wide range of potentials.EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C,2020,80(2)
Fabao Gao,王瑞芳.Bifurcation Analysis and Periodic Solutions of the HD 191408 System with Triaxial and Radiative Perturbations.UNIVERSE,2020,6(2)
Fabao Gao,Llibre,Ja.Global Dynamics of the Horava-Lifshitz Cosmological Model in a Non-Flat Universe with Non-Zero Cosmological Constant.UNIVERSE,2021,7(11)
Fabao Gao,Jaume Llib.Global dynamics of the Horava-Lifshitz cosmological system.GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION,2019,51(11)
Fabao Gao,王永青.一类五次非线性系统的全局动力学.动力系统与控制,2020,9(4)207-213.
Fabao Gao,刘霞.非参数统计方法在探究木星卫星的分布规律中的应用.统计学与应用,2020,9(5)844-854.
Fabao Gao,朱晓黄,刘霞,王瑞芳.Distribution Inference for Physical and Orbital Properties of Jupiter's Moons.ADVANCES IN ASTRONOMY,2018,
Fabao Gao,Shiping Lu,Minghui Ya.Periodic solutions for Liénard type equation with time-variable coefficient.Advances in Difference Equations,2015,1251-9.