Fabao Gao
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:北京工业大学
Scientific Research
Current position:
Scientific Research
Research Field
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Paper Publications
- Fabao Gao,Llibre,J.Global dynamics of the Ho?ava-Lifshitz cosmology in the presence of non-zero cosmological constant in a flat space.PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE,2022,38
- Fabao Gao,程欢.Application of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test in the Distribution of Saturn’s Regular Satellites.Bulgarian Astronomical Journal,2022,37卷76-96.
- Fabao Gao,Llibre,J.Global dynamics of the Ho?ava-Lifshitz cosmology in the presence of non-zero cosmological constant in a flat space.PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE,2022,38
- Fabao Gao,Llibre,Ja.Global Dynamics of the Horava-Lifshitz Cosmological Model in a Non-Flat Universe with Non-Zero Cosmological Constant.UNIVERSE,2021,7(11)
- Fabao Gao,王永青.Approximate Analytical Periodic Solutions to the Restricted Three-Body Problem with Perturbation, Oblateness, Radiation and Varying Mass.UNIVERSE,2020,6(8)
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