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Supervisor of Master's Candidates  


陈丹 扬州大学 食品科学与工程学院 讲师 硕导


    别:                  出生年月:1994. 01

电子邮箱:dchen@yzu.edu.cn     政治面貌:中共党员


²  2020.07至今,扬州大学,食品科学与工程学院,讲师

²  2015.09–2020.06,南京农业大学,工学博士(硕博连读),食品科学与工程


²  扬州大学高层次人才科研启动基金(137012022),在研,主持

²  扬州大学校教改课题(YZUJX2022—D30),在研,主持

²  江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目,茶树花多糖调节肠道免疫的机理研究(KYCX18_0725),结题,主持


1.  Wang L; Lan W, Chen D*. (2024). Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) Anthocyanins and Their Functions, Stability, Bioavailability, and Applications. Foods, 13(17): 2851.

2.  Chen D, Wang A, Lv JL, Peng YL, Zheng YQ, Zuo JY, Kan J, Zong S, Zeng XX, Liu J*. (2024). Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) flower polysaccharide attenuates metabolic syndrome in high-fat diet induced mice in association with modulation of gut microbiota. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 279: 135340.

3.  Chen D, Lv JL, Wang A, Yong HM, Liu J*. (2024). Intelligent Food Packaging: Quaternary Ammonium Chitosan/Gelatin Blended Films Enriched with Blueberry Anthocyanin-Derived Cyanidin for Shrimp and Milk Freshness Monitoring. Foods, 13(14): 2237.

4.  Chen D, Wang A, Lv JL, Tang C, Jin CH, Liu J, Zeng XX, Wang L*. (2024). Structural and digestive characters of a heteropolysaccharide fraction from tea (Camellia sinensis L.) flower. Food Chemistry: X, 21: 101058.

5.  Chen D, Lv JL, Han TA, Kan J, Jin CH, Liu J*. (2023). Hepatic antioxidant and gut ecological modulation properties of long-term intake of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) flower extract in vivo. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 15: 11-21.

6.  Chen D, Bai RY, Yong HM, Zong S, Jin CH, Liu J*. (2022). Improving the digestive stability and prebiotic effect of carboxymethyl chitosan by grafting with gallic acid: In vitro gastrointestinal digestion and colonic fermentation evaluation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 214: 685-696.

7.  Ding Y#, Chen D#, Yan YM, Chen GJ, Ran LW, Mi J, Lu L, Zeng XX*, Cao YL*. (2021). Effects of long-term consumption of polysaccharides from the fruit of Lycium barbarum on host’s health, Food Research International, 139: 109913.(共同一作)

8.  Chen D, Ding Y, Chen GJ, Sun Y, Zeng XX*, Ye H*. (2020). Components identification and nutritional value exploration of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) flower extract: Evidence for functional food. Food Research International, 132: 109100.

9.  Chen D, Ding Y, Ye H, Sun Y, Zeng XX*. (2020). Effect of Long-term Consumption of Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Flower Polysaccharides on Maintaining Intestinal Health in BALB/c Mice. Journal of Food Science, 85(6): 1948-1955.

10.  Chen D, Chen GJ, Chen CX, Zeng XX*, Ye H*. (2020). Prebiotics effects in vitro of polysaccharides from tea flowers on gut microbiota of healthy persons and patients with inflammatory bowel disease. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 158: 968-976.

11.  Chen D, Chen GJ, Sun Y, Zeng XX*, Ye H*. (2020), Physiological genetics, chemical composition, health benefits and toxicology of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) flower: A review. Food Research International, 137: 109584.

12.  Chen D, Chen GJ, Ding Y, Wan P, Peng YJ, Chen CX, Ye H, Zeng XX*, Ran LW*. (2019). Polysaccharides from the flowers of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) modulate gut health and ameliorate cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression. Journal of Functional Foods, 61: 103470.

13.  Chen D, Chen GJ, Wan P, Hu B, Chen LG, Ou SY, Zeng XX*, Ye H*. (2017). Digestion under saliva, simulated gastric and small intestinal conditions and fermentation in vitro of polysaccharides from the flowers of Camellia sinensis induced by human gut microbiota. Food & Function, 8(12): 4619-4629.

Educational Experience

2017.9 2020.6

  • 南京农业大学
  • 食品科学与工程
  • Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Work Experience

2020.7 Now
  • 扬州大学
  • 食品科学与工程学院

Social Affiliations

Research Group

Name of Research Group:食品功能与资源利用研究室
Description of Research Group:研究方向主要集中于:食品功能与健康;食品加工与贮藏。包括:食品功能因子与营养、食品活性智能包装、农产品加工与贮藏、食品风味化学、农产品资源综合利用。