陈令坤,翟晨程,陈麒至,胡晓伦,吴腾,朱利明,黄晓明.Floating column mechanism experimental investigation in historic timber buildings subjected to decay for seismic resilience.STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF TALL AND SPECIAL BUILDINGS,2024,33(3)
陈令坤,陈雯昕,王璐,翟晨程,胡晓伦,孙林林,田园,黄晓明.Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)-based multi-category damage detection and recognition of high-speed rail (HSR) reinforced concrete (RC) bridges using test images.ENGINEERING STRUCTURES,2023,276
陈令坤,蒋丽忠,李锐,李乔,张鸣,张楠,罗锦章,凌亮.A feasible vibration measurement and active control method of reinforced concrete lightweight pier railway bridges for heavy-haul monorail trains.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING,2022,26(1)360-378.
陈令坤,翟晨程,王璐,胡晓伦,黄晓明.Modular Structure Construction Progress Scenario: A Case Study of an Emergency Hospital to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic.SUSTAINABILITY,2022,14(18)
陈令坤,李志华,蒋丽忠.Bond properties of 500 MPa steel bars in engineered cementitious composites.PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS,2022,175(3)230-243.
陈令坤,蒋丽忠,康欣,胡晓伦,黄晓明,徐亮,孙林林,王璐.Seismic response of benchmark high-speed rail (HSR) round-ended rectangular-shaped cross-section solid (RERSCSS) concrete pier based on the shaking table tests.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2022,12(1)
陈令坤,Kurtulus,董玉峰,Taciroglu,蒋丽忠.Velocity pulse effects of near-fault earthquakes on a high-speed railway vehicle-ballastless track-benchmark bridge system.VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS,2022,60(9)2963-2987.
陈令坤,陈雯昕,王璐,翟晨程,胡晓伦,孙林林,田园,黄晓明.Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)-based multi-category damage detection and recognition of high-speed rail (HSR) reinforced concrete (RC) bridges using test images.ENGINEERING STRUCTURES,2023,276
陈令坤,翟晨程,王璐,胡晓伦,黄晓明.Modular Structure Construction Progress Scenario: A Case Study of an Emergency Hospital to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic.SUSTAINABILITY,2022,14(18)
陈令坤,蒋丽忠,康欣,胡晓伦,黄晓明,徐亮,孙林林,王璐.Seismic response of benchmark high-speed rail (HSR) round-ended rectangular-shaped cross-section solid (RERSCSS) concrete pier based on the shaking table tests.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2022,12(1)