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Xu Xin
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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
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Paper Publications
Guoyan Liu,储梦,徐飘,聂仕瑛,任娇艳.Effects of Ilisha elongata proteins on proliferation and adhesion of Lactobacillus plantarum.FOOD CHEMISTRY-X,2022,13
Guoyan Liu,沈梦瑜,孙兴果,吴银银,Liu Xiaofang,Xu Xin,梁丽.A new perspective on the benzo(a)pyrene generated in tea seeds during roasting.FOOD ADDITIVES AND CONTAMINANTS PART A-CHEMISTRY ANALYSIS CONTROL EXPOSURE & RISK ASSESSMENT,2022,39(3)440-450.
Guoyan Liu,杨雪,张继贤,梁丽,缪凤,吉涛,Xu Xin,叶志强.Synthesis, stability and anti-fatigue activity of selenium nanoparticles stabilized by Lycium barbarum polysaccharides.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES,2021,179418-428.
Guoyan Liu,李思童,梁丽,朱雯绮,周婉丽,Xu Xin.油茶籽油不同形态酚类化合物的抗氧化互作关系.食品科学,2021,42(11)34-39.
Guoyan Liu,徐锁玉,王兴国,金青哲,Xu Xin,申迎宾,徐广新,张晖.Analysis of the volatile components of tea seed oil (Camellia sinensis O-Ktze) from China using HS-SPME-GC/MS.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2016,51(12)2591-2602.
Guoyan Liu,刘莉,孙欣果,Xu Xin.不同煎炸条件对茶叶籽油苯并(a)芘含量的影响.中国油脂,2017,42卷11期97-102.
Guoyan Liu,孙贝贝,张洁,于苏宁,蒋栋磊,方维明,Xu Xin.AngⅡ诱导人脐静脉内皮细胞建立高血压损伤模型.食品科学,2017,38卷13期174-181.
Guoyan Liu,庄林武,宋丹丹,陆春良,Xu Xin.Isolation, purification, and identification of the main phenolic compounds from leaves of celery (Apium graveolens L. var. dulce Mill./Pers.).JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE,2017,40(2)472-479.
Xu Xin,张芝颐,朱俊龙,汪丹,刘国艳,梁丽,文超婷,李有栋.Whey Protein Isolate Nanofibers Prepared by Subcritical Water Stabilized High Internal Phase Pickering Emulsion to Deliver Curcumin.FOODS,2022,11(11)
Xu Xiangxin,Liu Xiaofang, Wang Shuai, Zou Yongping, Zhang Jixian, Liang Li,Wen Chaoting, Li Youdong,Xu Xiaowei, He Xudong,Xu Xin.Relationship between PAH4 formation and thermal reaction products in model lipids and possible pathways of PAHs formation.[SCI].Journal of Hazardous Materials,2023,465(133374):
Liu Xiaofang,Zhang Xu, Zhou Wanli, Liang Li, Zhang Jixian,Wen Chaoting, Li Youdong,Xu Xin.Combined toxicity of oil-based PAH4 mixtures on HL-7702 cells.[SCI].Science of The Total Environment,2023,912(169038):
Xu Xiangxin,Xu, Xiangxin,Liu Xiaofang, Zhang Jixian , Liang Li,Wen Chaoting, Li Youdong , Shen Mengyu , Wu Yinyin, He Xudong,Liu, Xiaofang, Zhang, Jixian , Liang, Wen,Chaoting, Li, Youdong , Shen, Mengyu , Wu, Yinyin, He, Xudong.Formation, migration, derivation, and generation mechanism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during frying.[Review].ENGLAND:Food Chemistry,2023,425(136485):
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