- Rui Liu,马勇,陈磊,陆辰燕,葛庆丰,吴满刚,席军,于海.Effects of the addition of leucine on flavor and quality of sausage fermented by Lactobacillus fermentum YZU-06 and Staphylococcus saprophyticus CGMCC 3475.Frontiers in Microbiology,2023,10.3389/fmicb.2022.11189071-11.
- Rui Liu,李可悦,巫过玥,秦曼,于海,张万刚,包文斌.A comparative study of S-nitrosylated myofibrillar proteins between red, firm and non-exudative (RFN) and pale, soft and exudative (PSE) pork by iodoTMT-based proteomics assay.FOOD CHEMISTRY,2022,395
- Rui Liu,陆辰燕,王彦清,沈银涵,葛庆丰,吴满刚,单艳琴.Characterization of a lactic acid bacteria using branched-chain amino acid transaminase and protease from Jinhua Ham and application in myofibrillar protein model.MEAT SCIENCE,2022,191
- Rui Liu,杨伦,杨天意,秦曼,李可悦,葛庆丰,吴圣龙.Effect of nitric oxide treatment on pork meat quality, microstructure, and total bacterial count during postmortem aging.MEAT SCIENCE,2022,190
- Rui Liu,李素云,杨搏,陈磊,葛庆丰,熊国远,张万刚,于海.Investigation of the antioxidant capacity of cell-free extracts from Lactobacillus plantarum NJAU-01 obtained by different cell disruption methods.LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021,152
- Rui Liu,巫过玥,李可悦,葛庆丰,吴满刚,于海,吴圣龙,包文斌.Comparative Study on Pale, Soft and Exudative (PSE) and Red, Firm and Non-Exudative (RFN) Pork: Protein Changes during Aging and the Differential Protein Expression of the Myofibrillar Fraction at 1 h Postmortem.FOODS,2021,10(4)
- Rui Liu,李素云,杨搏,陈磊,熊国远,张万刚,于海.Investigation of the antioxidant capacity of cell-free extracts from Lactobacillus plantarum NJAU-01 obtained by different cell disruption methods.LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2021,152
- Rui Liu,巫过玥,李可悦,葛庆丰,吴满刚,于海,吴圣龙,包文斌.Comparative Study on Pale, Soft and Exudative (PSE) and Red, Firm and Non-Exudative (RFN) Pork: Protein Changes during Aging and the Differential Protein Expression of the Myofibrillar Fraction at 1 h Postmortem.FOODS,2021,10(4)
- Rui Liu,王彦清,杜楠,蒋栋磊,葛庆丰,吴满刚,于海,徐宝才.An electricalchemical method to detect the branch-chain aminotransferases activity in lactic acid bacteria.FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019,297
- Rui Liu,Steven Lon,Steadham E,周光宏,张万刚,Elisabeth.Effect of nitric oxide on myofibrillar proteins and the susceptibility to calpain-1 proteolysis.FOOD CHEMISTRY,2019,27663-70.